May 2022 archive

My Internet is working better… I mean, I hope.

We had severe storming the night before last, which resulted in damage that our ISP had to fix (not actual damage to our modem, router, or lines… other damage, and I don’t claim to be an expert on any of these things). Because of that, I dropped a lot of frames when I attempted to stream Chrono Trigger as planned last night, but things are looking better now than they were! I think I’m going to stream Chrono Trigger tonight to make up for it instead of Alice: Madness Returns like I had been planning, but sometimes concessions just have to be made. Meanwhile I have some completely awesome friends who are attempting to bring some retro programs that a lot of us used in the nineties and early millenia, and I think they’re going to be successful at it — I’ll write more about it here as time goes on, but I’m an alpha tester for one, and I’ve mainly delegated myself to quality of life issues and things like “well, how much can I click on to see if any errors come up that I can report?”. Or… however else you would word “come up”, because migraines are fun.

When I can talk about one of (okay, probably the primary) the passion projects that is going on right now that some programmers — and some of my friends, to include the overlap that are some of my friends who are also programmers, “there ain’t no gettin’ off of this train ride we’re on” — I may post screenshots, but only with permission. This is amazing. This is great. This is definitely extremely nostalgic. I just love this.

So I’ve tentatively been streaming wirelessly!

I’ve been streaming wirelessly on Twitch, and I’m gearing up to become an affiliate once I meet all of the criteria. When that will be, though, I’m not quite sure — I just have to meet the requirement of average concurrent views (I have no problem nailing the rest of them), and mine are all over the place. I have been meeting some awesome people through networking my Twitch account though, and that has been awesome! At some point I do intend on having the gaming PC hardwired into the modem so we don’t have to worry about dropped frames or anything like that, and I’ve been looking into what I’ll need to have here at the house to make that happen. I was also given the recommendation to post about Twitch on TikTok (10/4, can do) because Twitch makes it hard for people to discover people that they would like to watch on Twitch. Most, if not all, of people’s discoverability comes from outside sources, and I’ve been posting about my streams on Facebook and Twitter. I do honestly wish that Twitch had better native, on-board discoverability.

Nope, I’m still not watching The Winchesters. Sorry.

I watched The Winchesters trailer and was amused by portions of it, to include Carlos hitting the demon with the van in the manner that they did (“love tapped”, “double tapped”, “[…] the Scooby van”), and found that I liked their character a lot, but don’t feel like that — or even seeing Dean Winchester again, which was refreshing — was enough to get me to want to watch. I have friends who are interested in it, who are excited for it, who want to watch it, and I’m happy for them. But I intend on remaining extricated from what I like to call “active fandom” due to comments like this, something that I encountered because I’d seen people copy and paste it into their own Tweets responding to it, something that just floored me for a few minutes:

you can do whatever you want with ugly long haired dean but he will always be hanging off a rebar in akron ohio in the end

Things like these are literally why I had no fun in fandom when I considered myself an “active member” of it. I casually participated in GISH one year, and even that was too much for me — I felt like the expectations were more than I was able to meet, and I’m certain that I fell short in the eyes of my fellow group members. Although I love the idea of it, GISH was astronomically bad for my anxiety, and I know for a fact that I won’t be participating in it again. I frequently felt like I had to (and was) over-extend myself when there were days, and even weeks, when I wanted to walk away from the thing that people wanted to have hours-long discussions on — although I respected, and continue to respect, their interest in it, I was bad at feigning that same depth of interest on my own. I haven’t read a single fanfic in more than three months, and I haven’t rewatched a single episode of Supernatural, which used to be the fandom that I was the most invested in. It just hasn’t been something that I’ve gravitated toward or wanted to do. I also watched the trailer for The Winchesters only one single time. “Carry on, my wayward son… there’ll be peace when you are done…”

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