Posts Tagged ‘advocacy’

The Myka Stauffer “re-homing” drama, continued.

First of all, I’m going to come out and say that I’m glad that more and more companies are dropping her as an advertiser. She literally re-homed her child (yes, adopted or not, he is — was — her child) like he was a pet. She absolutely should face repercussions for this, especially because she tried to hide it for so long and then responded to it by not responding to it and then deleted all pictures of him from her Instagram account.

But what I actually came here to write about: it later came out after all of this came out that she stopped Huxley’s ABA therapy (that’s a completely separate post that I cam get into, my thoughts on ABA) and therapy services, probably because actually having an autistic child — even though she had the finances and the means to be able to care for him, and knew exactly what she was getting into adopting him (I continue to call bullshit on her “not knowing what they were getting into”, as Chinese children can only be adopted by United States citizens if they have disabilities to prevent what are called “tourist adoptions”) — was too much of an inconvenience for her. But if the reason that she actually “re-homed” him was because he had severe behavioral concerns and safety was a concern, there were things that she could actually have done to keep him safe that did not involve relinquishing her parental rights, such as a stay in a group home for whatever length of time was deemed appropriate for the circumstances, or even institutionalization (again, don’t get me started on my feelings on that, but it would probably have been better than this if the proper facility was selected). There is also respite care, which is offered by a lot of insurance companies, or she could even have paid for it out of pocket with the money that she had been making as a YouTuber with the sponsors that she had had before they had dropped her for this. But she shot herself in the fucking foot.

Basically: there was so much more that she could have done before she actually did what she did here.

My activism is Barret Wallace and Katniss Everdeen.

As of Monday, my county had six more confirmed, positive cases of coronavirus (COVID-19). And it seemed that almost as a direct result of that, if not a direct result of that, the decision was finally made to issue a shelter-in-place (“stay home”, as some people like to call them so as not to incite unnecessary panic) order until April 3rd. I am still not sure what the local school district is going to do in regard to whether or not they are going to attempt to fling the doors back open on the sixth, as April 3rd is a Friday, but it would not surprise me in the least if they at least made the attempt since this district has never been known for making good decisions. As I’ve mentioned in previous entries, they are one of the last if not the last to “call” bad weather days… and sometimes they didn’t, even when every other district had, and even when the local two-year college (and four-year university) had. You can’t tell me that this district is not about the “dolla dolla bill” until they prove otherwise. And blocking dissidents, or people who don’t kiss their ass, on social media is not proving otherwise. Especially because the “manager” of the Facebook page admitted that they “were a nineties kid who attended the district (themselves)”, so yeah, I’m at least partway sure that you might know my name. Sing it loud and say it proud, I grew up to become the disabled Katniss Everdeen now, did I not?

Bub and Monster’s occupational therapist has cancelled in-person therapy sessions until further notice, so they may wind up seeing a new occupational therapist “to fill the gap”. Monster will begin seeing a new speech therapist at the start of the month assuming that things do not absolutely go sideways since the speech therapist that he has had since he was extremely young is moving to another clinic, and I did not want to uproot the kids from the clinic that they have gone to since they were extremely young unless I absolutely had to because there was no other choice in the matter… sniff. Their clinic is a really good place.

Soon, I want to get Bub back into speech therapy since he has been on break from that for a little while.

Catholics on Twitter are raging that all dioceses have shuttered church doors until further notice, holding no public masses. Must you insist on public masses in the midst of a global pandemic on the backs of your at-risk brethren for something not necessary to live? Are us at-risk folks really wor— wait, don’t finish that one.

I know that us at-risk individuals aren’t worth anything to you or else you’d peacefully quarantine at home…

Several things mentioned in one post.

As of Sunday evening, we hit double digits in terms of confirmed cases of COVID-19 (coronavirus) in my county, and confirmed community spread. Given the size of my county, this does not surprise me. To be completely honest, I want to see public schools shut down for the remainder of the school year in an attempt to contain this before it gets completely out of hand, but I do not have faith in this local school district, and my faith in this state wavers. But this school district is making it abundantly clear that they want to open doors back up as soon as possible, even if… like I’ve mentioned before, it is literally on the backs of the at-risk population. They are literally blocking people on social media that do not agree with them who are not willing to shower them in praise and it would be hilarious to mention if it were not depressing because of the whole “we are in the midst of a global pandemic and this district has a history of making poor decisions”.

I’ve gone to the mat over this and I will keep going to the mat over this. If anyone does not want to follow the CDC’s recommendations during a global pandemic, I will work to call them out on it… like GameStop, who had the nerve to attempt to call themselves “essential employees” and “an essential retailer” in a desperate bid to try and keep their doors open because they did not want to lose money. That went swimmingly well for them, because in at least two states they were forced to close their doors, and I anticipate it being more as time passes assuming that they do not take the hint and close their doors in the rest of them until this pandemic eases. Although I haven’t shopped in GameStop for awhile, for a number of reasons (one of which being the fact that I am actually friends with “GameStop girl”, and she is a positively wonderful human being), this absolutely takes the cake and I am going to make it a conscious point never to shop there again.

In gaming news: Bub and I have been playing the new Animal Crossing together and have gone to some friends’ islands! I am slowly but surely learning how to play this actual game for him, and it’s adorable, too!

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