It took them all of one day to do this.

It took the CW all of one day after that information broke in the manner that it did to have Misha Collins, Castiel’s actor, make a series of Tweets about “how that wasn’t really how the scene was supposed to go down” (Dean Winchester reciprocating Castiel’s love for him), actually having the nerve — and for the record, I blame the CW for this now, not Misha himself — to try and blame “rogue translators” for this when it was, to the best of my knowledge, two languages that this occurred in. It happened in Portuguese and Spanish. I did some more research on the matter beyond what I had already picked up, and translation is more of an art than some people realize. There are quality checks along the way. Dubbing is almost always done in the native language in question so that the characters speak in a language that they will be understood by their intended participants in, and the subtitles reflect this. There would have had to have been a whole lot of “rogue translators” (insert me rolling my eyes here) for this to have actually occurred, let alone made it to television, and not become a big thing in the countries that it aired in other than praise for it ending the decade-long queerbaiting that had been going on in the show with something more substantial.

This has strengthened my resolve not to re-watch any episodes of Supernatural after I watch the ones remaining that I have not watched, and I will not be watching any more of the CW’s shows after this. The hashtag “they silenced you” and “they silenced them” was, at least at the start, primarily about this, but then it came to encapsulate so much more — that Supernatural killed off every LBGT and minority character that came onto the show more quickly than they did… characters who were not. As I’ve stated in previous entries, the hope is in the fandom at this point, and the “Supernatural family”. It’s definitely not in the actual show…

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