Archive of ‘television shows’ category

Boundary issues in fandom, online, and in general.

One of the reasons that I “left” (wanted nothing more to do with, distanced myself from, have not actively participated in anything having to do with, and am literally all the happier for having done so) fandom was the fact that boundaries were so routinely, cavalierly violated. If you blocked someone, meaning that you did not want to speak to them, that you did not want them to have access to their social media, they logged out of their own social media — especially if this was Twitter and you had a public account — to read what you had to say, and in some cases screenshot for their hate blogs (don’t even get me started on those, I could write a completely separate post on those alone, and I’m not going to do it now). If you attempted to assert boundaries and the other person didn’t feel like giving you the basic human decency of honoring them, well, that was that unless you wanted to make your whole social media account private. But they couldn’t make you participate in fandom, and they couldn’t make you “discuss meta” or talk about the thing — the object of fandom — that was causing all of this drama, and all of this strife, if you just didn’t want to. That was that.

Call it a convenient loophole. Call it whatever you want. It was honest, and it worked. It works. I like that!

On top of that, once I realized that I could not fake the level of interest and passion that people had for… the things that these fandoms centered around, further realizing that I did not want to continue to fake it, my mental health dramatically improved. I want to like things when I want to like them and be able to walk away from them when I need a break from them, not discuss them for twelve-hour benders or be available to do so more time than I’m willing to commit to. Anyway, getting back on topic… me not being willing to fake fandom any longer. This has meant that I’ve watched less television shows on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, but I’ve watched what I’ve wanted when I’ve wanted, and definitely at the pace I’ve wanted (so far I am watching the Evangelion movies since I grew up with the original anime, and I am in love with it).

At any rate, I’ve begun to notice that people are willing to violate boundaries on Discord as well.

If you block someone on Discord, you expect that they won’t be able to see what you write, and you won’t have to see what they write. What’s the point if they circumvent that to see what you write because they’ve developed some sort of obsession with you? What is it with people nowadays and respecting boundaries?

Nope, I’m still not watching The Winchesters. Sorry.

I watched The Winchesters trailer and was amused by portions of it, to include Carlos hitting the demon with the van in the manner that they did (“love tapped”, “double tapped”, “[…] the Scooby van”), and found that I liked their character a lot, but don’t feel like that — or even seeing Dean Winchester again, which was refreshing — was enough to get me to want to watch. I have friends who are interested in it, who are excited for it, who want to watch it, and I’m happy for them. But I intend on remaining extricated from what I like to call “active fandom” due to comments like this, something that I encountered because I’d seen people copy and paste it into their own Tweets responding to it, something that just floored me for a few minutes:

you can do whatever you want with ugly long haired dean but he will always be hanging off a rebar in akron ohio in the end

Things like these are literally why I had no fun in fandom when I considered myself an “active member” of it. I casually participated in GISH one year, and even that was too much for me — I felt like the expectations were more than I was able to meet, and I’m certain that I fell short in the eyes of my fellow group members. Although I love the idea of it, GISH was astronomically bad for my anxiety, and I know for a fact that I won’t be participating in it again. I frequently felt like I had to (and was) over-extend myself when there were days, and even weeks, when I wanted to walk away from the thing that people wanted to have hours-long discussions on — although I respected, and continue to respect, their interest in it, I was bad at feigning that same depth of interest on my own. I haven’t read a single fanfic in more than three months, and I haven’t rewatched a single episode of Supernatural, which used to be the fandom that I was the most invested in. It just hasn’t been something that I’ve gravitated toward or wanted to do. I also watched the trailer for The Winchesters only one single time. “Carry on, my wayward son… there’ll be peace when you are done…”

I streamed for the first time yesterday!

I now have the mic on our desktop set up the way it should be (and, at that, a really nice setup that doesn’t get in the way of anything else… man, I’m loving this right now). The ring light should also be in a position to where it doesn’t look like it’s flickering on the webcam overlay of my streams even though nothing looks like it’s actually flickering in my room. Good times. (I suppose there’s a bit of a learning curve to this. I don’t mind.)

I’m also finding out that some peripherals have to be plugged directly into the computer via USB, not put on one of those splitter things. That’s a bit of a shame because now I’m going to have to juggle things on the peripheral splitters, but it’s nothing that’s completely unmanageable. It’s not as unwieldy as our television currently is. I’ve often made the joke that I don’t want to have to switch our television from gaming to satellite unless I absolutely have to (and I will for Doctor Who… just not anything from The CW, and I mean that). I’m not going to be one of the ones who “comes back” to The CW because Misha Collins is working on a pilot for Gotham Knights for it and Jensen Ackles has secured a script commitment for The Winchesters.

I have so much to do today, I mean…

· first things first, take Bub to CBT/play therapy one fairly major town over
· get some groceries since the kids are bottomless pits and I need to pick some more things up
· make sure that I have enough space for one more game for Bub and then download that game
· continue to take the antibiotics that I was prescribed by the local hospital
· add more to Monster’s homeschool notes indicating where he has made progress

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