Archive of ‘television shows’ category

Honestly, this should not have surprised me at all.

I am once again being failed by my pain management clinic, who for the second month in a row sees fit to drop my Fioricet usage from once per day if needed to five days in a month “because you could be getting medication overuse headache” even though that has repeatedly been ruled out in my medical files over the course of the several years that we have failed to do this song and dance. So I guess the alternative to that is me being in pain for extended periods of time, wishing that migraine patients (I have the diagnosis, you’ve seen the inside of my head through MRI scan because that was how you found out I have a brain tumor) were taken as seriously as patients who present to the medical profession for other pain-related reasons.

Since I’ve been asked about this, here goes.

Right now, I don’t think that I’m actually going to watch the Supernatural prequel, even if Jensen is the one “in charge” of it. As it stands now, it’s set to explore something that I am not particularly interested in, and I am not invested enough in Supernatural to follow it absolutely everywhere. As much as I like the show, the prequel is — as stated — set to explore something that I am not particularly interested in. As for the podcast, I may or may not give it a listen when I have spare time. So far, I haven’t had the time to do so, but that may change in a week or two and I may be able to catch up to everything all at once. I’m playing that one by ear.

I also want to catch up on Black Mass Appeal, or at least give it the good ol’ college try listening to episodes.

Tomorrow it’s Dean Winchester’s birthday.

I may no longer consider myself an active member of fandoms or actively participate in them (and wow, was that ever a sentence), but I still like Supernatural. I don’t think I’ll be tuning into the prequel or the planned podcast, though. Carry on my wayward son, there will be peace when you are done… I got off of the ride.

So I did it. I quit the fandoms that I was part of.

Anyone who said “you can only quit fandom when you’re dead” has clearly not met me.

None of this was out of malice though, and I want to make that abundantly clear.

I realized that fandom participation, even — perhaps especially — amongst those who shared common television shows or pairings with me was becoming increasingly more detrimental to my mental health. Being an admin on a Supernatural fandom and meta server, and doing the things that come with that and were supposed to bring me joy and satisfaction, was becoming increasingly more detrimental to my mental health. Something that was supposed to bring me joy and satisfaction was making me depressed and sad. I decided that I would no longer engage in things that actively contributed to these states of mind, so I “tendered” my resignation from fandom as a whole, quit Discord servers related to said fandoms, and exited Facebook groups for the same. This was kind of like what I did when Bub was like… all of two years old, I was active in fandoms, and then I decided that I didn’t want to participate in them so I simply dropped off of their maps and wasn’t really missed (which made me happy because I didn’t want to draw attention to myself doing this, although my presence in recent fandoms was such that I didn’t have a choice with it).

I don’t want to be asked questions about this or told that I could have handled matters differently.

In fact, I am actually already feeling better, so I know that this decision was the right one for me to make.

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