Archive of ‘RPGs’ category

Picked up a few birthday games for Bub!

· Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Dx (Nintendo Switch)
· Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town (Nintendo Switch)

These are pre-orders, but it’s clearly the thought that matters here.

In another post, I’ll be enclosing the actual picture that caused The Transformed Wife (and several theists at that) to actually see red. “You made Bub hold that up!” I had him hold up a certain… documentary that we finally managed to get our hands on in direct response to a Tweet that she had sent out about how you needed to “raise all children to joyously know God” (I’m sure some of you know exactly what he must have been holding up by virtue of exactly which direction this blog post is going in, but I digress), because I got blocked within probably an hour of me commenting back to her with that Tweet. “Earned it,” was my mental response, and yes, it was absolutely worth it to me. Bub also consented to every part of that. Who presumes competence in this house? I do. Who demonstrates competence in this house? Clearly Bub and Monster do!

If you want to be misogynistic and reaching for people’s derision, you need to expect people like me to rise…

Well, at least we get one new game this summer!

I pre-ordered this for Bub as soon as I found out that it was available.

Now we almost seriously have no space left on the microSD, but it was worth it, it really was.

We have the majority of, if not all of, the Paper Mario games. Bub is down for the Paper Mario life as well as the Super Mario life by the looks of things, and these games have never been half bad. So it was worth it…

I’m also glad that it will release in July (assuming that all goes as it should), which isn’t that long from now!

There’s always this… lull when it comes to games.

I’m beginning to lose some of the zest that I had for Animal Crossing when it first came out, but I do check the game before I go to bed each night provided that I did not check it at some point during the day. This is one of the reasons that I do not want to “commit” to MMORPGs that you have to pay a monthly subscription to play, because at some point in time I know that I am going to lose interest in it, and I would just rather not take the risk of paying every month to play something that my brain is eventually, sooner rather than later, going to go, “Hey! You need to take a break from this!”. Because I know me, and it’s something that happens every time with every game. I need to be able to walk away from it at some point. Brain does what brain wants when it comes to games, especially MMOs. There is no sweet-talking brain into “committing to the cause”. I have not found an MMO yet that I have committed to long-term without there being some break.

I suppose this may have come about, or been cemented in my head, from playing games with the wrong kind of people over the years. Now don’t get me wrong, I do love games. I love playing them around migraines, with the right medication, when I can. But I have managed to play them with the wrong people over the years, so this may have become a bit of a protective mechanism that my brain can not shake, even if I am now playing them with the right people. So if you are one of those “wrong” people, thanks, seriously.

Since I have the time to make this post…

I am continuing to look for video games to get Bub for his birthday, even though I am mindful of the fact that our Nintendo Switch’s microSD card… is low on space, and since it has Animal Crossing on it, I definitely do not want to do anything to that and wind up corrupting the data on the save file for that and messing up our island. I just don’t. So I am not even going to take the remotest of risks there, at least not until the interest surrounding Animal Crossing dies all the way down and it’s not even a game that he is remotely interested in. And to be honest, I do like the game as well! I’m a bit less interested in it than I was when it first came out (aren’t all of us? doesn’t this happen to all of us at some point?), but I do like it, and I do like this one better than New Leaf, I’m not even going to lie. But the same people who used to push me into playing games for longer than I wanted to aren’t in my life right now… which may contribute to a lot of why I enjoy this more.

In my spare time, I’ve joined a few other Discord servers (an Animal Crossing one for players over the age of twenty-five, and a Satanism server for members of The Satanic Temple). I am not the best at managing multiple Discord servers, but I am trying here. Right now, The Satanic Temple’s server is my favorite server.

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