Archive of ‘personal’ category

Well, one day this thing will be fully loaded.

Maybe when you have a whole lot of stuff on your computer, you underestimate how long it will take to load your new computer… especially when a lot of what is on your computer needs to be downloaded from the Internet, and download speeds only go so fast even when you have a reliably good Internet connection (most of the time). Although I love having digital copies of games in that I can download them from the Internet whenever something needs to be replaced because the prior version of it ceased to function, whether that is a computer or a video game console, the one thing that I don’t like about that is the sheer size of some of these games and how long it actually takes most to download them on a decent connection.

I’ve tried to lift as much as I can from my old computer while it still functions and see if I can use a microSD card to bring it over to this one, though. I mean, I legally own everything that I’m attempting to bring over.

But I suppose we’ll see how that goes as I put everything back on this computer from the microSD.

Genetic tests and that whole half-relative thing.

One of the things that I’ve found is that genetic tests such as Ancestry and 23andMe seem to have a difficult time discerning the status of “half-” relatives. In my case, I have an uncle on 23andMe that was classified as a first cousin because he is the half-brother of one of my parents, meaning that we share less DNA than we would if he were a full sibling. Even though his daughter also took a 23andMe test and is linked to him as his daughter, he is still listed as a first cousin on my list of DNA matches, even though the family tree seems to get it right listing him as my uncle and her as my cousin — the algorithm behind the family tree function that 23andMe provides seems to have been refined, and improved upon, with recent updates, which I like a lot…

However, had I not known that this first cousin of mine was actually my uncle because of contact with his daughter (and, again, the family tree function) I would probably never have known that someone who really seems like they are my aunt was classified as my first cousin on Ancestry. She seems to be a half-sister to my other parent if the information that I’ve been putting together is correct, is so much older than me that it seems implausible that she would be my first cousin, has a child who Ancestry has guessed is my “second cousin” who seems like he is much closer to me in age, and shares nearly the same percentage of DNA in common with me as my established half-uncle. I sent her a message on Facebook inquiring about this, because, you know, having a sibling that you might have had absolutely no idea about is a hell of a thing to miss. I’m not sure if she’ll respond. She may or may not know about this sibling. But it would really do for both Ancestry and 23andMe to refine their algorithms a bit better to correctly identify when there is a “half-” relationship like this. I’m not sure if they even can, but at least looking into it and trying wouldn’t be all bad.

We now have a functioning laptop again!

Since the a key continued to go out at varying intervals and the keyboard — which wasn’t one of those types that could easily be replaced, let alone replaced, because it was an integral part of the laptop — was behaving in a manner indicative of increasingly more keys failing, I knew that I had to replace the laptop at some point, sooner rather than later. It may have taken the better part of a day to load it once I found one that I liked enough to purchase, but here we are! It actually has slightly better specs than the one that I had before it, although my goal was to replace it with as close to a laptop as the one that I had before it — the one that it would be replacing, in other words. This wasn’t exactly something that I had much of a chance to plan, what with the keys on our previous laptop’s keyboard not exactly choosing the most opportune time to start to go out. The only thing that I’ve noticed that is… not quite as good as our previous laptop is the Wi-fi card, but I’ve begun to do some reading on that, and apparently that can be fixed with a USB dongle if I really want to. I might look into that at a later date, because I would need to figure out what dongle to get.

I’m happy that we have a laptop with a functioning keyboard that doesn’t have one foot “in the grave”!

Relating to that whole religion thing, you know.

When I was in a relationship with Bub’s father, one of the things that his paternal grandmother did after the birth of our child was rush me into filling out forms for their church’s religious conversion classes without giving me a chance to read those forms. This was entirely intentional on her part, and meticulously planned out. She even went so far as to make sure that I put down her own phone number rather than my own, wanting to hide her attempt at converting me by force from my own family, who would not have been supportive of her attempts to do so. It wasn’t until several months later that the start of these classes eventually rolled around, and I decided that as long as I had to sit through them, I wasn’t going to follow any of the tenets of their religion — I would “fake it until I made it”, or fake it until it became so apparent that I got dropped from of the classes because I was not a good candidate for them or conversion into their church. I reasoned that the latter was statistically more likely to happen. I wasn’t going to change myself to appease a single one of them, and I wasn’t going to allow them to forcibly indoctrinate me so that they could baptize our child while he was an infant, because that was how Bub’s paternal grandmother exerted the level of control that she did over all of her children… even though all of them were adults. I guessed they would learn.

It took sitting through all of one class for me to out myself as a long-time non-believer. I was impressed.

With that realization also came the realization that as long as I was the staunch non-believer that I was, his church would not baptize our child — not only was my consent required as the custodial parent (and it made certain that it would not be given), but his church would also make it clear that they did not feel comfortable baptizing our son with there being no assurance that he would be raised in the faith because of the… level of disbelief that I expressed and lived my life by. Soon after this, Bub’s father and extended paternal family members stopped being present in his life. I figured that this would happen. I was not surprised by any of it.

As the years went on, I became increasingly more hostile toward religions that forced their doctrine and ideology on children as a result of that. I spoke out more about how the practice of doing so did not sit well with me and how I found it abusive. To this day, I actually continue to find it abhorrent and abusive. So Bub’s paternal family can thank themselves for that by attempting to shotgun me through their church’s religious conversion classes without being honest about me about the classes that I was signing up for (and Bub’s paternal grandmother was not honest about what those classes actually were), and attempting to incite enough fear in me that I would consent to allow our son to be baptized into their faith. Having been a non-believer for as many decades as I can remember, having devout believers attempt to evangelize to me or proselytize their beliefs on me and mine has never been something that has sat well with me, and her attempts to do so only further solidified my own lack of belief in any higher power or supernatural deity.

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