Archive of ‘consoles’ category

I was so busy that it actually skipped my mind.

Part of me did want to give NaNoWriMo the “old college try”, as they say, but I became so busy during the month of November that it completely skipped my mind. At some point I do want to participate in it, though. Or, at the very least, compose an entire manuscript in a month’s time (or… approximately a month’s time).

I’m not sure if I covered it here or not, but I’ve been reunited with Fioricet to treat the most painful of migraines, and I’m finding that it works better than any triptan ever has… but the bar is low for that, because triptans do not work on me. I get most of the side effects from taking them, but I stopped getting substantial pain relief years ago. I feel like the local pain management clinic is taking me more seriously when I tell them which medications do not work on me at all as compared to which ones actually help, especially now that I’ve had two visits with them. Around here, you visit with them monthly once you’re an established patient.

In other news, I bought Bub Sackboy for the PlayStation 4 since actually being able to purchase a PlayStation 5 seems like it’s closer to an act of God. At one point, I had one in my Walmart cart ready to check out with it, but the site crashed so badly that by the time I could load my cart to check out, all of them had already been sold. This annoyed me quite a bit, and it continues to annoy me that Sony has mismanaged the pre-ordering of this console and the actual ordering of this console as badly as they have. I’d just like to be able to buy this without there being any massive hiccups along the way preventing me from doing so. But Bub is down for the LittleBigPlanet life, so he’s not going to mind what console it’s on as long as he can play it with me and it runs well. (Still, though, I would like to get my hands on a PlayStation 5…)

And I’m making a Christmas list for myself since the kids’ Christmas lists are more or less complete.

One day, we will stream consoles. One day.

One of the things that I’ve been looking into is streaming on various websites that… let you do that, with YouTube being one of the ones that I’d like to stream on the most since we already use it for personal reasons. However, reading about what I have to buy to stream retro consoles (why can’t they just stream like the PlayStation 4?!) and where I have to hook it up has actually given me migraines. I’m not even going to lie. But I’m eventually going to get it done, I’m eventually going to understand this, and I am eventually going to stream our retro consoles. And our new consoles. But it still surprises me that you can’t natively stream on consoles like the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, which are still pretty new consoles. That one still confuses me.

Frankly, I wish that setting up equipment to stream off of retro consoles was just a bit easier overall.

There are so many old games that I would just love to be able to stream at the click of a button, but sadly it is nowhere near that easy. That seems to be the one catch with the one thing that I want to do the most…

You would think that at least some of the “newer” consoles wouldn’t have the “protection” that they do that prevents this, or that their respective creators would allow you to stream over them, but you still have to walk in circles to be able to stream games from them, and that really sucks if you want to make any sort of job out of this or even if you want to stream them on sites like Twitch and YouTube to have a little bit of fun.

In which I try my hand at DeviantArt.

The tablet that we’ve had since Bub was a baby decided to die a peaceful death from old age, so I went on ahead and replaced that — it doesn’t surprise me that it died since it was that old, but hooking it up to all of the computers that we have in this house and not getting it to function in any capacity nailed the whole “it died” thing for me, because for the life of me I couldn’t get any of them to recognize it when plugged in via USB and we live in a plug and play world. I wound up getting the same exact make and model as our old tablet, which was almost wonderfully ironic… I guess that’s one less thing that I have to learn how to navigate, although I haven’t actually used a tablet in awhile, so it’s going to take a bit of time for me to get used to drawing on a tablet again. But I do want to learn how to do it again while the kids are in bed, and I suppose that is the best time for me to practice on it. That said, I went on ahead and made a DeviantArt account that my intentions are to post art and photography on, the former of which I’ll work on while they’re sleeping each night. I haven’t exactly heard bad things about DeviantArt, so I was like, well… why not? Heh.

Meanwhile, Bub and I have been playing through some of the old games that they have on the repository (what do you call that) that having a Nintendo Switch online subscription gives you free access to. We found out the hard way that you can only have one “suspend state” save file, although luckily we didn’t have any really far out, advanced save files at the end of a game. It’s good that we know this now though. Right now we’re prioritizing working on Kirby’s Adventure, then we may play Super Mario Bros. 3 and go on from there.

All of the games to play, so little time to play them!

Since we have a Nintendo Online subscription (I’m pretty sure that’s what you call “having paid for additional services”, seeing as how they are the cheapest of the three… add-on services, between Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony, and definitely worth it for what you can get), Bub and I have been playing Kirby’s Adventure, Super Mario Bros. 3, and Splatoon 2 online with people whenever we’ve had some additional time as a direct result of that. Reacquainting with games that I used to play as a child has been really fun, as has being able to show them to my own child… not to mention getting good at some of these games again in front of said child, much to his amusement and my own delight. As time goes on, I’d also like to introduce him to Dr. Mario, some of the Donkey Kong games, Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, Wario’s Woods, and Yoshi. I may also introduce him to The Legend of Zelda since it’s also on here. There are also the old Super Nintendo games, and Kirby’s Dream Course, Kirby’s Dream Land 3, Kirby Super Star, Super Mario World, Yoshi’s Island, as well as one of the old Mario Kart games, and possibly another Zelda game that we can play together. These are a lot of additional games free with a subscription!

There’s also the fact that a Nintendo subscription is half the price of a Microsoft or Sony subscription now.

I don’t mind continuing to have a Nintendo subscription for this reason, because we have been utilizing ours.

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