July 2024 archive

Dealing with the state is fun, and by that I mean…

So I found out the other day that I may actually be eligible for survivor’s benefits off of my oldest son’s father’s record, because our mutually shared son is disabled which negates the age and length of marriage requirement normally imposed on these benefits. It also means that as long as I exercise parental control over my son, to include managing his affairs once he becomes an adult, I am and should remain eligible for these benefits without interruption as long as I do not remarry. This wasn’t something that was originally brought up when I applied for survivor’s benefits on my oldest son’s behalf, seeing as how it was his father who had died. But since there remains this as a possibility, I’ve tried to get in touch with the state to ask about it to see if these benefits can be instated to me. Dealing with the government is always fun, though… and by that, what I really mean to say is not fun. This is something that should have been explored months ago when the application was first filed and information on our household was collected, but it was not.

I expect the state to slow-walk this as they have almost everything I’ve needed their assistance for, though.

Music Monday: July 29th, 2024

I spent the better portion of the night in the emergency room last night because my “migraine” was so bad that I could not function at all, and I have never in the history of… well, ever, had that happen. They gave me steroids for my “headache” along with pain medication, which dramatically helped and allowed me to sleep for a few hours when I got home. At that point, I woke up because my alarm woke me up and filed for guardianship of my oldest son (autistic with intellectual disabilities requiring this), an action that his limited ability to consent allowed him to consent to indicating to the court that I am his preferential guardian.

Absolutely none of this surprises me now.

I’ve had a migraine for six days now that Fioricet has not touched, and Fioricet… usually does.

At the very least, it helps, enough for me to be seen by a member of my care team.

This is also the longest period of time in which I have had an active migraine in, well, ever.

If this doesn’t break sometime tomorrow, I’ll be asking my care team what they want me to do next.

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