May 2024 archive

This shouldn’t have happened, but here we are.

The post office was supposed to deliver my son’s necklace, the one that has his dead father’s ashes in it, lied, and said that there was no authorized recipient home. This was bullshit, and I’m about to get into why.

I made a nice, wonderful call to… I’m guessing the federal agency that’s supposed to deal with this, and I explain that this is not the first time my mailman has not delivered packages with guaranteed delivery dates on time, but that it was profoundly annoying because this parcel has my son’s necklace in it (you know, the one with his father’s ashes), and a baggie with some more ashes in it because I expressed interest in getting a ring made for myself and getting a tattoo with his ashes infused in it. The representative that I spoke to was nice enough to file a complaint against the mailman because this should never have happened, and I get to go down to the post office downtown (the “main post office”) and pick up the parcel that was supposed to be delivered to my house today. Nothing was left on my front door about a missed package, and nothing was left in my mailbox about a missed package. Nothing. The mailman scanned the parcel and claimed that there was no one available to sign for it, which was a lie because two adults in my home were home at the time the rest of the mail was deposited in our mailbox. And given that this has happened more than once, I honestly hope that he loses his job for it. I don’t want to keep dealing with “missed packages”.

This is a backdated post because I forgot to write…

Post-sepsis syndrome is a very real thing, and it’s one that I am suffering from.

For me, the main problems are an inability to modulate my temperature, more migraines, and feeling tired, but I am very grateful that I was able to be brought back. At some point I’d like to write about the whole… process of that in as tender a manner I can manage because I feel like it should be written about. I’ve been wanting to resume streaming, and to stream more, but I’ve been exhausted. Apparently this is common when you have sepsis, and when you’re brought back to life for any reason, so I’ll just have to deal with it.

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