May 2024 archive

Most of this was what I’d expected it to be, but…

My oldest son did 23andMe as a fun science project! Since he’s the one who… lost his father, and there’s information that we can get from his results that we wouldn’t be able to get from any other source, I thought it was a good idea (for a number of reasons, really). Most of his results were what I expected them to be, especially with the last names that I knew he was related to on that side going into the test results, but some things surprised me… like the trace Moroccan and Middle Eastern DNA he has, although that differs depending on what site read his DNA. I used the usual suspects: MyHeritage, ADNTRO, and Genomelink.

At some point I’ll begin posting screenshots up here, starting with his 23andMe.

His 23andMe seemed like it was more accurate than mine, where the site probably guessed at points.

And I do want to have him do Ancestry at some point so we can compare the results of those to 23andMe!

That ended a bit better than I thought it would.

For anyone that’s been following the… mailman saga, I did get the necklace containing my son’s father’s ashes that I was supposed to get, although I got it one day after it had been guaranteed and the postal service has told me that they are investigating the mailman who runs this route. This isn’t the first time that a parcel with a guaranteed delivery date hasn’t been delivered on the guaranteed delivery date. This isn’t even the second time that this has occurred. The only things that these items have in common, other than guaranteed delivery dates, have been the same mailman over the years… and although the postal service has told me that they’ll fully investigate the matter this time, I’m not that optimistic if you know what I mean.

But I have the necklace containing some of his ashes, which has become more mine than my oldest son’s (who doesn’t seem to favor it either way, and I can’t fault him for that), and I have enough ashes to get a ring made, which I’m doing. In the coming months, I’d like to get a commemorative Forget-me-Not tattoo going down my left arm since that seems like the best place to put one, and it’s vague enough not to give itself away if I don’t want it to be given away… and I’d like a little bit of his ashes to be used in that. It might have surprised some people, and it might surprise some people, but I don’t hate him. I never hated him. I was hurt by some of the actions that he took, and he became a deeply hurt, troubled man whose hurt and trouble only intensified as the years drew on, but he died at the age of thirty-seven in a manner that I wouldn’t wish on a single person. I wouldn’t wish his age of death on anyone, and I wouldn’t wish his manner of death on anyone. Most of the family members of his who I’ve been in contact with feel the same.

All I can say without going into extravagant detail, although I do intend on covering… something about it in here at some point, is that I do not feel the same way about my oldest son’s father as I do my youngest son’s father, and that if any of this had happened to my youngest son’s father, I’d remain indifferent for reason.

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