
August 2022 archive

Simple posts like this make me miss Tumblr…

Sometimes I miss the simplicity of being able to reblog on Tumblr, the whole “set it and forget it” mentality that was so easy to adopt having a blog on their site… but then I remember the site security issues that you could practically get a $1,000 bounty off of on bounty-hunting websites and I’m glad to no longer use it.

In “something that we all saw coming here”…

Even though I am not currently streaming right now, one of the… lesser-known perks of streaming (and by that, what I mean to say is “not a perk”) is having to report content for copyright infringement or theft of intellectual property if someone wants you to stream it or you come across it. Sometimes one thing falls under both of those parameters and you wind up having to report it for both of them. At some point I’m going to publish a post with the checklist that I use to cover myself if someone wants me to stream something whose source I can’t verify (although I’m getting closer and closer to the point where I’m not going to stream anything whose source can’t quickly be identified, because I’m not going to bother myself or waste my time wading through Google search results to figure that out on my own… that’s not my job).

This is kind of like streaming gameplay from a private server of a game on Twitch. Unless the game’s TOS explicitly allows this, it’s not allowed to be done on Twitch and it can get you, the streamer, in trouble.

Can I have some pain medication for this, please?

So I was finally able to get radiofrequency ablation done on the other side of my head. The only downside to that was the technician accidentally injecting the nerve itself with the numbing agent and the steroid rather than the space beside it, which meant that he had to go back in and numb up the pain that he caused the nerve by injecting it with… well, anything, because injecting a nerve with a needle to begin with is going to hurt. As the pain relief and steroid injections have worn off, I have come to be able to feel that side of my head again… to include where the nerve in question was literally poked by the needle (which was not fun, is not fun, and will not be fun for awhile, I suspect) and have not been able to turn my head to varying degrees of the right side. I’m well aware that to start to feel better from these things, you have to get over the hurdle of the nerve feeling really uncomfortable as it realizes you tried to scramble it… but one of my nerves accidentally got poked with a needle, so I’ve been taking pain medication as appropriate to counter that.

Fun times, said no one! And I fully do intend on getting back to streaming once I feel better from this, and once I stop having migraines every single day because that is the place that we are now at. Either that or I need to find better ways of coping with this level of frequency and intensity although I dislike doing so…

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