This post is brought to you by prednisone.

So I am on my third antibiotic for this wound of mine that will not go away. Augmentin did absolutely nothing, and fluconazole was a laugh. Now I am on fifteen days of Omnicef, which is only possible to take being on 60mg prednisone because of the severity of headaches and stomach troubles that came with it. I was seriously about to throw in the towel and stop taking Omnicef were it not for prednisone, because I was having headaches so bad that Fioricet didn’t help at all and stomach troubles so bad that I could not eat. Strangely enough, prednisone has ameliorated all of that and made taking the antibiotic tolerable. I know that it’s used as palliative care with cancer patients to help them eat and… make some of the side effects of cancer go away (gee, how would I know something like that?), so I figured that it was worth a shot in my case since I have some prednisone stockpiled here at the house. And I was completely correct guessing…

I don’t feel 100%, but I can get out of bed, eat as needed, and do things. I will gladly take that as a win.

I do think that I’m going to warn my doctors about this going forward, because it’s not tenable to have to take prednisone just to take an antibiotic. Omnicef may be something that I am not tolerant of, that I can not tolerate. And that’s okay. As long as we know about it we can work around it, prescribing different things.

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