Not exactly what I wanted to do out of the gate, but…

So it seems to be set in stone that my insurance is going to continue to deny my pain clinic’s Botox request.

So the doctor that’s been managing my case decided to get an X-ray off of me to see if he could lobby my insurance with it and that I should receive steroid shots to the neck instead. I suppose I’ll be finding out about that soon, whether it’s by a letter sent in the mail letting me know that my doctor’s request was denied, or… I don’t know what. If I can’t have Botox treatments done, I suppose that steroid shots to the neck might be the next best thing. But knowing the luck I’ve had lately, insurance might try to deny that as well.

At the end of the day, I don’t really care as long as it ameliorates migraine pain or makes it more manageable, even if that treatment may have side effects. Right now, I’m reduced to wearing prescription sunglasses in the house to try and make migraine pain… less than, if that makes sense, and that makes navigating around my house a bit tricky. I do what I have to do to get through the day in general, though.

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