July 2020 archive

Well, I waved at them, and they waved back at me!

I waved at The Satanic Temple (the closest chapter to me) on Twitter, and they waved back.

They also know that I put in an application for that chapter, so hopefully I hear something back soon!

All of this has made me extremely thankful not to be raised religiously, though… and it’s reinforced my desire not to raise my kids religiously, and to step in when someone attempts to raise my kids religiously. Let them make those decisions from themselves. As a matter of fact, let them make those decisions for themselves when I don’t have to consent to anything, and I’ll be the happiest. That ameliorates a lot of the “drama” from it (since the most drama comes from the fact that I refuse to consent to Bub’s baptism). As it already is, I’ve come to feel increasingly more uncomfortable making a decision like that for my kids, especially when they can’t “walk back” that decision of their own will by formally leaving the religion, as I’ve already mentioned.

Meanwhile, I’m sitting here wishing that Final Fantasy XIII had a New Game+ like so many other games do. For such an impressive game, the amount that you can’t do post-game is actually comparatively really sad.

This is definitely a nostalgia bop for the ages.

I found this when something racist was trending on Twitter and fans of Korean pop music (yes, this actually happened) did what they did best… they filled the racist Trending Topic with Korean pop music to the point that they convoluted the original purpose of the Trending Topic, which is something that I definitely approve of. And in writing about it here, this gives me a chance to actually make a Music tag, which is great. At any rate, I filled the tag up myself with some of my favorite Chinese, Japanese, and Korean songs, and one of the ones I chose happened to be the instrumental version of “No More Tears” by Japanese singer Namie Amuro.

Why even bother ordering online if you, well, can’t?

Good news: You can add your EBT card to Amazon so that they can bill from it.
(Well, in my state, you now can, at least. So that’s exactly what I did.)
Bad news: Amazon is so picky about what can actually be billed to your EBT card.
In which case, why bother even using your EBT card to buy from Amazon? Seriously?

Case in point, I thought I would buy myself some chicken chow mein, which happens to be one of my favorite foods. Ironically, I could buy the rice noodles with it. That would bill my EBT card no problem. But the thing that would not bill my EBT card… was the chicken chow mein itself. No retailer that I could find on Amazon would actually bill my EBT card for the chicken chow mein. It almost seems to be an exercise in futility to find actual retailers that will bill your EBT card for the foods that you want to buy. I’m sure that is the whole point.

“Make it so difficult for them to use their card that they won’t actually want to use EBT.”
“This is how we will make them want to get jobs!”

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