Posts Tagged ‘religion’

The documentary that pissed off the theist…

Another one of them chimed in at some point and claimed that I “made him hold this for a picture” (no, but I did politely ask him to hold still long enough for me to take the picture after he took it from me shortly after opening the package that it came in to confirm that everything came in good condition, because he liked the picture of Baphomet that was on the cover… no one makes this child do anything that he does not want to do), and that I “force this on my kids (I’m too lazy to force anything on my kids, thank you). But The Transformed Wife didn’t like it that I responded to her Tweet about “raising your children to joyfully know God” with this picture. This was the “shot heard ’round the world”, as some people like to say. I just took advantage of a nicely timed picture and his consent the whole way through the process to make a point to her. Ironically, hours after this picture was taken he acquiesced to a hair cut, and he behaved himself swimmingly well for the rest of the day. Do I need to buy him some Baphomet toys or something? Heh.

To be honest, I keep things from all known major religions around the house. The kids are free to express as big or as small (or as… none) of an interest in them as they would like. That is the entire point. And they are just as free to stop expressing that interest whenever. My only real, major hesitancy comes in religions that do not “allow” you to quit them at your desire, that attempt to “keep you as a member on their rolls” forever.

Oh, and yes, Bub does wear clothes. He just doesn’t like to wear shirts when he can avoid them.

Picked up a few birthday games for Bub!

· Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Dx (Nintendo Switch)
· Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town (Nintendo Switch)

These are pre-orders, but it’s clearly the thought that matters here.

In another post, I’ll be enclosing the actual picture that caused The Transformed Wife (and several theists at that) to actually see red. “You made Bub hold that up!” I had him hold up a certain… documentary that we finally managed to get our hands on in direct response to a Tweet that she had sent out about how you needed to “raise all children to joyously know God” (I’m sure some of you know exactly what he must have been holding up by virtue of exactly which direction this blog post is going in, but I digress), because I got blocked within probably an hour of me commenting back to her with that Tweet. “Earned it,” was my mental response, and yes, it was absolutely worth it to me. Bub also consented to every part of that. Who presumes competence in this house? I do. Who demonstrates competence in this house? Clearly Bub and Monster do!

If you want to be misogynistic and reaching for people’s derision, you need to expect people like me to rise…

I think I made her see red, folks. No small feat.

One of the things that I like to engage in across social media platforms is “counter-apologetics”. Having the… experiences that I have had in “aggressive theism”, I’ve keenly come to understand how important it is to “get the other side” out there, how to present the other side, and how not to let theist apologists “score as many for (deity, but usually it’s Christ here)” as they can, especially because this translates into attempts to legislate for Christ, get people who aren’t members of your religion to follow your doctrine even if they don’t want to and otherwise would not — this is particularly prevalent with the Catholic church’s “make them raise the kids in Christ, and don’t let the woman contracept even if she is not Catholic because “to have a valid marriage you have to be open to life, and this means never contracepting” — forget that the separation of church and state exists when you get someone religious in a position of power, try to “get” the state or country to “be” a certain religion, even (especially) if it’s unofficial, forget that in a lot of other countries, dissent (or even being LBGT, and being outed) can and very often means harm or death for that individual…

Obviously, I could easily go on. But I’ll cut that short for now. You all should get the point.

I am a very enthusiastic counter-apologist (“she’s back at it with the sass”, “what is she doing on Twitter again”, my friends). When The Transformed Wife went on a bender this morning about “raising your children to joyously know God” — one big pet peeve of mine, and I mean big, is to forcibly indoctrinate your children “because it is the family way”, or worse, out of fear (“you’ll go to Hell if…”) — I simply responded back to her with a picture of Bub holding the Hail Satan DVD that we now have a copy of, which he consented to every step of the way, and me quipping, “Say he’s cute, bitch,” or something along those lines. Bub has expressed interest in Baphomet lately and was squealing as soon as I unboxed it and he saw Baphomet on the cover.

So I Tweeted Lucien Greaves and The Satanic Temple with my accomplishment because well, why not?

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