Posts Tagged ‘parenting’

Well, they had their dental visits on the same day.

Both of the kids got their six-month dental exams out of the way. Monster’s was supposed to take place at the end of March, but that is obviously when this pandemic… started, so the kids’ dentist closed until just recently, and I called them up and asked if I could book him in right before or right after Bub, who had a standing appointment for today. As it turned out, I could, so I went on ahead and did that. As predicted, Monster behaved himself during the exam. He cooperated for his X-rays and the exam itself. Bub, on the other hand… was Bub. He never cooperates with these things on the first go. He hasn’t for years, actually.

No cavities on anyone, though! And that’s the important thing at the end of the day if you think about it!

Children’s clothing can sometimes be the oddest.

This was, for whatever reason, included with a shirt that I bought Bub. I didn’t realize it until I had opened the package that his shirt came in and this came out as well. Naturally, Bub sees it and falls in love with it for sensory reasons… so now I can’t just take it away from him, although I have restricted him wearing it to only while we are at home. But seriously, I want to know who comes up with these “slogans” and decides that they are appropriate to put on children’s articles of clothing, other than the saying “the cis are at it again”…

So far, we are on day one of this game.

As predicted, wandering around (getting lost in) Midgar is great fun, but what’s not to be expected?

I think Bub is calmed down, and mellowed out, by Barret Wallace… if not a bit amused by him. This is how I approach activism and advocacy. So this should really have come as no surprise to me. It shouldn’t have…

My child sees enough of me in Barret Wallace to be comforted by him, and this is actually amusing to me.

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