Posts Tagged ‘parenting’

It took me awhile, but I eventually succeeded.

Surprisingly, it took me longer than I had thought to find an old copy of Windows Movie Maker (which is just the easiest thing for me to use at this time because it doesn’t have that much of a learning curve… I grew up using it, and I’ll teach myself something more complex later) to download. Apparently it doesn’t come bundled with Windows any more — shocker, seriously — and to get the 2020 one you have to pay for it, which I don’t want to do right now. Maybe I’ll want to do that at a later date, I don’t know. Just not right now. It still confuses me a bit why a basic movie “maker” (editor) that used to come bundled free with Windows now doesn’t, and to get one you have to pa— oh, wait a minute, profit. Why didn’t I think of that sooner?

I am so excited that I can actually use our camcorder as it has been intended to use, though.

Also note that I’m not celebrating the Fourth of July here, but instead Juneteenth, until further notice.

It’s almost like you can actually bet on this.

You know, something tells me that Myka would not have “re-homed” her adopted autistic son if he were one of her biological children. It’s almost as though you can bet on that. And it’s not as though you can practically bet on the fact that she did so because his disabilities inconvenienced her, because even if he did have behavioral problems, there were services that she could easily have accessed at her family’s income level — having the income, and the resources, to do so — that would have allowed her to retain parental rights over him (such as a group home for whatever length of time might have been necessary, worst case institutionalization, or even respite care). She just didn’t want to take the extra time out to care for him at all and it really showed. Then she had the nerve to delete all pictures of him from her Instagram account (so much for “we miss him every day”), and now, as of the time I’m writing this post, law enforcement is trying to locate him. So much for her “re-homing” being legitimate. I am actually worried that something might have happened to him that hasn’t been said by her family. This sadly happens to a lot of autistic kids nowadays…

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