Posts Tagged ‘life’

The numpties are out in full force here, folks.

The governor of our state actually did the sensible thing that he should have “bit the bullet on” weeks ago and issued an executive order mandating that all schools in the state stay closed for the rest of the academic year. Naturally, we have no shortage of numpties on his social networking pages commenting with varying levels of distaste on this… in the midst of a global pandemic with a 4.1% mortality rate taking into consideration all fifty states. I mean, comparatively speaking, there aren’t this many actual numpties (or at least I would hope not), even though they seem like they are a lot louder than they actually are concentrating themselves on things like his Facebook page, shrieking like nearly actual banshees. Some of them are going so far as to deny that we are in the midst of an actual global pandemic, comparing this to the common cold or the flu, screaming about how we need to “bring the economy back to life” (with what? actual skeletons? okay, those of us who can work can go back to work, at the cost of human lives, and then we’ll all be dead, because of the economy, when this thing absolutely ravages us, all because you would not listen to actual scientists), insisting that “only the sick need to stay at home, and us healthy folks can go out and go back to work”… okay, forget how you healthier folks, you folks who can stay asymptomatic for up to fourteen days can literally bring it to our doorsteps. Can my estate sue you if you kill me? I think I’d like it to… if you kill me.

This has also brought the anti-vaxers out in full force whenever a potential, possible vaccine for the coronavirus is brought up. At one point I actually responded with, “my family will keep our vaccines, yours can keep natural family planning,” to a Catholic who invoked “the Nuremberg clause” in an actual conversation. This same Catholic also claimed to have taken many science courses along with his wife, tried to flaunt degrees, and was also apparently anti-vax. This did not surprise me given that they were Catholic.

(Strange fact: Bub’s paternal grandmother tried to “justify” me getting an IUD after his birth as “it’s not a sin because she’s not Catholic” after, for some strange reason, Bub’s father saw fit to tell her that I had gotten one. After she had a tantrum over it, which he… saw fit to tell me about. I was far more annoyed that he saw fit to have this conversation with his mother, and to tell his mother something that never should have been brought up in conversation with her. But it never wound up mattering, because I never became Catholic, no one in my family unit never became Catholic [and will never become Catholic insofar as it requires my consent], and Catholic doctrine has never mattered to me and will never matter to me for as long as I live.)

So to 23andMe, Scotland isn’t its own country?

As a “non-filer”, I’m still waiting on our economic stimulus payment. Not sure how long we’ll be waiting.

Meanwhile, I’ve continued to do more research into my genealogy. It honestly seems like 23andMe does not “regard” Scotland as its own separate country to report, instead lumping it in with British & Irish on the Ancestry Composition page based on what other researchers have reported (particularly on sites like Reddit). However, a lot of Scottish DNA can also be found in the more gerund Broadly Northwestern European section, and sometimes also in the Broadly European section as well. If I take the time to click on the British & Irish section and see which cities 23andMe estimates that I have significant ancestry in, though, it literally lists Glasgow City as one of the top cities, which… wait for it… is in Scotland. Not to mention the fact that some genealogical research done on my paternal grandmother’s last name reveals Scottish origin.

And then there’s the whole 25% of me that Ancestry has relegated Irish & Scottish.

It would be helpful if 23andMe would make an effort (at some point after the pandemic) to isolate Scottish DNA and origins for, you know, the people taking their test that have Scottish DNA. Because I know that I am fairly sizably Scottish. It would be great for me to be able to study that with them in slightly better detail.

I need to come up with better titles for these.

Good news: I am starting to get the hang of the “turnip exchange” in Animal Crossing, so over the course of several days, I actually completely paid off Tom Nook for the first time ever by doing all of the renovations on our house in this game and getting them all done and out of the way. Bub seems to like this game a lot, although he prioritizes certain things over others. I also laid down one of the best bridges in the game (Best Bridge For Bub!) and it should be built tomorrow since I paid the full Bell cost for it. We’ll see how that goes when I boot the game up tomorrow morning and… see whether or not it has actually been built. And so far, on our island there has never been an exceptionally good turnip sale price, so we’ve always been at the mercy of other people’s islands to sell turnips over there. I wish we would, at least once, peak with a good price. I’d probably give our island’s Dodo Code out to good friends of mine to start with before I took advantage of more official sites like the Turnip Exchange, even though I’ve used it myself to travel to other islands with higher turnip sale prices. I’m still getting my feet wet over there with the whole process, because on busier islands it takes awhile what with the whole game pausing whenever someone enters or exits, heh.

People are still panic buying certain things during this pandemic, which has made shopping a bit amusing.

Some of my friends have begun to get the economic stimulus payment (“Coronavirus check”), and we haven’t yet, but I’m waiting to see when we get ours since there’s me and two dependents to be tabulated.

Apparently Social Security re-routed my most recent disability application for a hearing, and this one won’t be held in person due to the distance. I anticipate just plain having to fight them until one of two things happens… I eventually get approved for disability benefits (SSI), or I give up. I don’t want to have to give up.

Chronic, intractable migraines are still my primary disabling diagnosis at present.

I would be doing a lot more (like even playing video games more frequently, seriously) if I didn’t have these.

Happy… no Easter Vigil, or something, y’all.

Well, it’s been a decade since I rejected Catholicism. I still feel content that I did so, knowing that I made the right choice since I disagreed with all of its doctrine… and I mean all of its doctrine. You have to agree with all of it, or at least agree to submit to all of it, in order to “become” Catholic as an adult convert, so me “going through the motions” to shut someone up would have culminated in me lying to people at various stages in the process (RCIA, as previously mentioned) and I didn’t want to waste my time or anyone else’s time dragging that whole process out, especially because Catholicism artificially inflates their numbers by “not allowing you to quit” once you are on their rolls. And furthermore, I didn’t even want to crack the door open of “well, Bub needs to be baptized because that’s what our family does! and you’re the custodial parent, so we need to get your consent for it some way! and the easiest way to do that is just to shotgun convert you!”.

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, anyone who is getting… certain public benefits that may come due for a renewal automatically has those benefits renewed for the length of time that they had normally been getting them, so my medical insurance through the state was renewed for another calendar year. I am glad that I don’t have to worry about that. I mean, until they find some excuse to take it away from me. Well, that.

My state governor apparently wants to sign an executive order next week “helping businesses start to get back to work here soon”. In a global pandemic. Okay. Once you start to talk more about that, I’ll see what you “have in mind”, and then I guess I’ll see how hard I have to go in on you like Barret Wallace from Final Fantasy VII on your social media because we still have someone in power who does not understand science.

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