I should be able to get to it sometime within the next few days, but to be honest had hoped I was able to get to it sooner except for that whole migraine thing. But I am in the process of changing some of my medications out so that I can stop ones that aren’t working quite so well (or at all) any more, which will allow me to take and get acclimated to new ones… and hopefully those new ones work a lot better! Here’s hoping!
Posts Tagged ‘health’
I have had a migraine for how many days now?
I swear, I’ve had a migraine for going on five days now.
I’ve taken prescribed medication for it, but if this continues not to work I’m going to do the prudent, necessary thing and see a doctor over it. This migraine will just not go away or break no matter what I do to try and break it, and that’s really frustrating. I would like to resume doing normal everyday things, please.
A slightly longer post encapsulating things, I guess.
Good news: I am completely at baseline, am making steady progress bridging my oldest son into adulthood although he will continue to need lifelong assistance, and am waiting until Thanksgiving holiday and the following weekend are… done with before I call my primary care physician about possibly, probably needing to be put on Plavix (aspirin is a no-go for me for a number of reasons and has been untenable for years), and touching base with a neurologist about my epilepsy rather than having him handle it as admirably as he has handled it in the past. I don’t mind this as long as I don’t get the most recent neurologist I had before I switched migraine care to the local pain management clinic, because all she did was throw triptans at me telling me that I would “have to get used to the (migraine) pain” when triptans are contraindicated in people with cardiovascular issues and this was something that she did not even bother attempting to look at or confirm, come to find out that triptans were causing significant problems in me unrelated to my migraines and that I shouldn’t ever have been put on them in the first place. But no, it was triptan after triptan from her, and I’m glad not to have been in her care for as many years now as I… haven’t. I’d really like that to continue.
That’s all I can think of to update this with right now so I suppose I’ll update with more when I think of more!
I found the necklace that I gave my oldest son!
My seizure activity was addressed, and I am back to baseline. This makes me incredibly happy.