Posts Tagged ‘disability’

I need to come up with better subject lines.

I would have written something of substance in here, but I continue to fight for disability benefits.

I am also more seriously considering the move out of Texas when that time comes, and taking steps to plan for it. The money donated to the kids’ ABLE accounts will be saved up for moving truck and transportation purposes when that time does come, as I would like to explore content creation in a state that is friendlier to disabled people and has better supports and services. The primary goal is getting out of Texas, though. I swear, this state is following right behind Florida making itself absolutely inhabitable to marginalized people.

As of right now, I am approximately a third of the way there and am more actively going to commit to this.

I miss taking Bub on the walks like this we did.

Since I continue to be at high risk for complications from COVID, we continue to limit the activities that we do outside the home. I used to take Bub on these walks almost every day to fulfill the physical education requirement of homeschooling him, and he loved every minute (especially when he could make the park his!).

I liked this so much I had to steal it from Instagram.

I feel like this is the most accurate representation of autism I’ve seen, all tied up with a neat little bow.

Or, well, almost.

I definitely have the social differences, myself.

I have what a lot of people call “special interests”, but I’m not sure I am comfortable with that terminology.

I don’t have many sensory sensitivites, other than the fact that I have to sleep in complete darkness to actually go to sleep, I have to be in the same position I’ve been in practically my whole life, and the blankets have to be arranged in a certain way. If that doesn’t happen, chances are… slim that I will fall asleep.

As for emotional regulation, I’ve been compared to Daria from Beavis & Butthead since that show came out.

I embody the satire. I am the satire.

I’m not sure about perception unless that’s defined as reading people, which I am not that good at.

“Other” amuses me.

After giving it some thought I am back at it.

I had begun learning French on Duolingo years ago, but gave up on it after gabapentin and prednisone made it more difficult to remmber things. But now, for some reason, I want to try again and see how well I do! I’m waiting until I master each section of lessons on Legendary before I go forward and seeing if that’s a good metric to guide me on how much in that area I “know”, but at the very least it’s getting me enough experience to be in the Sapphire League on week three. I am really digging this right now. Some of that may be due to the fact that I’m now on gabapentin for ADHD. I’m taking it a day at a time maintaining my streak.

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