I’m back again, with a change of hosts!

Previously, I had been hosted on AwardSpace, and they met the majority of my site’s needs… except for the fact that they only offered, at their base tier, 50MB worth of space per MySQL database. For someone that wrote a decently sized blog post once a day and didn’t use any plugins other than ones that cleaned up their database, this wouldn’t have been hard to hit at all. As a matter of fact, I managed to use 1% of that in a month just writing one post per day in here, try as I might to use as little space as possible. And that was when I knew that I needed to find another host, because it would have been cost-prohibitive to continue to stay with them when so many other site hosts out there offered better deals for more affordable prices. For a site that offered unlimited bandwidth and space at that base tier, but refused to offer even a remotely decent MySQL database size, I couldn’t help but wonder what must have been going through their heads when they made each of their hosting packages… other than maybe trying to make as much money off of people wanting to blog as they possibly could. And their cPanel wasn’t even shy about it at all. “If you hit your MySQL database size, either start deleting things in it to free up some space or upgrade your hosting”.

After giving it some thought, I decided that our new website host would be Hostinger. They offer a lot of space, their allotted bandwidth is great, and although their MySQL database size isn’t unlimited, it’s still pretty large. Three gigabytes compared to 50MB is like night and day. I can run the plugins that I need to run, look for any more that might be helpful to have, write as much as I would like to write per blog entry without having to worry about whether or not I’m going to go up another percentage point, and not have to worry about if or even when I’m going to max out on the database size. That’s one less thing to worry about here.

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