Archive of ‘RPGs’ category

Look how passive-aggressive this district is…

The state governor issued an executive order commanding all schools in the state to close until April 3rd, and… wait for this… you can tell that although the local school district is adhering to that and has put out notice to everyone who needs to be made aware of this, they do not like it. Imagine being so annoyed during a global pandemic that you can not keep your doors open for increased federal funding that you blatantly come off as passive-aggressive to anyone and everyone who can see through your thin veneer, because you prioritize access to that federal funding over the lives of at-risk individuals in your community for whom keeping these school doors open (even on the technicality of “we won’t count absences or pursue truancy charges”, which was your first gambit) will endanger. This is literally why so many folks have problems with this school district and why they have had problems with this school district. And yet they honestly wonder.

In the midst of a global pandemic, it would be great if the schools just closed for the entire school year…

…but whatever. I’ll continue to do the advocacy I’ve been doing, what’s been labeled “my Scottish advocacy”.

Meanwhile, I switched what was our physical pre-order of Animal Crossing over to a digital pre-order (thanks, Amazon!) and downloaded it onto the Switch the day before release so that it would be available for play on release day given the nature of the pandemic and wanting to make that game available to Bub. If I can at some point due that with our pre-order of Final Fantasy VII: the Remake (how do you write that out?), I will do so as well since we’ve had it on pre-order with Amazon for months and there is not yet an option to digitally pre-order it there and I put the money that I used to pre-order it into the gift card “stash”.

There’s whole games dedicated to the Prinnies now.

I just now found out about Prinny 1•2: Exploded and Reloaded and put a pre-order on it, but… I’m excited!

How did it manage to escape me that these games were in the Disgaea franchise? It managed to, but I managed to put down a pre-order on the remakes that are coming out late in October to rectify this error.

Look what I bought Bub! Look at it! Look!

I ordered Bub the ten-in-one Kingdom Hearts game that is coming out later this month because I found out that they were having a 70% off sale on… wait for it… a bundle that normally sells for $99, and with tax, I got it for just over $30. Friends, I call that one hell of a deal. I didn’t even have to think about that one. In my cart it went, and on our PlayStation 4 it went. Now, that drew attention to the almost chronic problem of us running out of hard drive space on our PlayStation 4, which I am attempting to rectify by way of having ordered an external hard drive to begin to store things on so that we do not have to play the “hard drive shuffle” that we have begun to play. I didn’t get an extremely large one, but I got one that suits our needs.

Meanwhile, switching my Medicaid HMO as a result of needing to keep all of my doctors in network (since one of them changed the hospital that he was affiliated to, which meant that one of the three Medicaid HMOs in my area was one that was… no longer in network with them) has caused me to need to switch the inhaled steroid that I have been on for maintenance to control my asthma to a new one, and this has not been fun. As the saying goes, “this has been widely regarded by the cosmos as a bad move,” or something to that effect. If I “fail” this medication, which I strongly suspect that I will, insurance will cover the medication that I was formerly on. It’s just a matter of getting to the point where my insurance will have seen me as “being on it long enough to have failed it”, will be satisfied with that, and will then let me switch back.

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