Since I haven’t mentioned this here yet…

I’m still not entirely sure what the reason was that the state of Kentucky withheld nearly all information about my oldest son’s father’s death from his family members and those who were entitled to be given it, who he had wanted to be given it, but I managed to luck out more than a year after his death deciding that if you can’t be anything else, be petty, and called the county coroner out on social media for… not giving us any of this information. Her manager quickly saw this and rectified most of the problem claiming that no one had ever attempted to contact the county morgue his body was stored in until his sister was able to claim it, not knowing that both of us were able to pull our call logs up from that time period and the months following it to prove that we had indeed been in contact with the medical examiner’s office of the county that he died in and we had the correct person. As I know I’ve said in multiple places by now, I’ve seen my share of death certificates over the years… and this one, along with this autopsy, was something that someone did not want to be bothered with, had to do because of his age at death (thirty-seven) and unnatural cause of death (struck by drunk, high driver), so was something that they used to try and make his family members suffer.

I should have done this months ago if it would get this kind of reaction. For being told that his cause of death was, or were, blunt force injuries that took a matter of seconds to kill him, which does not match the ten minutes it took emergency services to get to him when they were first summoned, I found out that his neck was actually broken at around the C3 or C4 vertebrae… that it was bad, and that if he had survived (chances are that even if that were his only injury, he wouldn’t have because it was that bad) he would have completely been paralyzed from the neck down. His jaw was broken in the same place, as was that side of his collar bone, several ribs on that side, and even his right leg. He made it very clear what side he landed on. It was a lot worse than just “blunt force injuries”, even if those were what killed him. He also had a fairly significant amount of blood in his peritoneum and was assuredly completely paralyzed, unable to feel a thing from the neck down, upon impact. It’s just significant how much time he spent… like this before dying.

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