July 23rd 2024 archive

I am almost done loading the new computer up!

Since I’ve taken some of the external hard drives that were on the Intel Xeon, formatted them, and put them onto the new computer as I’ve needed more space to load Bub’s games… it figures that the Intel Xeon would resume giving me shit (editing to add: okay, I got into the BIOS and fixed it, just like I have at every other point this has happened, which is just one of many more reasons why I am glad to soon be “rid” of this computer in place of the Intel Core that’s going into its place). All I have to do beyond that is defragment the external hard drives that are hooked up to this computer because they are HDD and that will make them run a lot faster, and I’ll ensure that positively everything from the old computer is backed up and on the new computer before I start the process of switching them out. That’s probably going to be the most fun part, and what I really mean to say when I write all of this out is that it’s going to be the least fun part of this.

But if I can survive the death of the more tolerable child’s father, I can manage putting a computer together.