July 14th 2024 archive

I’d love to move out of this state at some point.

I am now at the stage in my family’s SNAP benefit cycle to where I am filing daily complaints with the state ombudsman about how it’s taken more than a month and a half for the state to process a simple, uncomplicated benefit renewal. I don’t know why you have to file daily complaints with the state ombudsman and threaten to litigate (through Legal Aid, as it would be in my case) to get them to do their jobs, and how they can manage to “respond” to you sending you a copied and pasted blurb not addressing any of your concerns in the time that could be spent actually processing these applications and renewals.

Every six months I have to do this so that my family retains SNAP benefits we are entitled to.

Every year I have to do this for my Medicaid, and I remind the state that they can not pursue child support.