July 2023 archive

They can just give me a nitrate prescription.

The local hospital is a joke when it comes to managing early-onset heart problems.

Standard operating procedure has always been to test first- and second-generation relatives if a family member has early-onset heart disease because it is highly heritable, and to give nitrates when angina is present (even when it’s stable, but especially when it’s not stable). I am probably going to get substantially more help from my primary care physician when I see him later this week, as will I get more help from an actual cardiologist who can run a battery of tests on my heart and make the most specific diagnosis. I’d like to get put back on an ACE inhibitor soon and prescribed nitrates to take as needed at home by my primary care doctor to get me to the point where the cardiologist he refers me to can take over care. (I hope so…)

Anyway, this is just one more of many reasons why I would absolutely love to move out of Texas.

I’ll be seeing the doctor sooner than expected.

Not that this should come as a surprise to anyone, but I’ll be scheduling the appointment next week…

…well, unless matters make me seek more emergent care.

I’d rather see a doctor and be told that it’s nothing major (or even “minor heart problems”, as though there were ever such a thing) than ignore something until it gets to the point where it can’t be treated. A history of heart problems run in my family. When my mom was my own age, she had to have a pacemaker put in and started to need aneurysms to be clipped. And even if it is my time to pay the piper on heart problems, I’d rather start treatment for those early on when more can be done about them… if I have the choice to do so.

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