I continue to curate my own media experiences.

I’m continuing not to watch The Winchesters, in large part because I want to know how it is intended to fit into Supernatural lore and am presently unwilling to “wait until the season finale where everything will be explained”. The amount of people who are supposed to be “in my lane” or “on my side” — I could make a list of fandom terms that annoy me at this point, and I might actually do that for the sake of a blog post one day — who “ship the same thing that I do” (Destiel, or Dean/Cas, whatever you want to call it), who have sought me out to block me for curating my own media experiences has been a bit surprising if not wild. Every few weeks when there’s fandom-related discussion on Twitter that I manage to see on my feed, I find out that more Destiel shippers have blocked me for not tuning into The Winchesters sight unseen on the plot, who have criticized me for not even “hate watching” claiming that I am not a real fan of the series, not enough of a fan of it… you get my drift. They continue to make the case for why I do not actively participate in fandom-related things… that, and the fact that so many of them, which I have seen on my feed as I continue to curate it to see less and less of this, think that the show Is Seriously Speaking to Them is concerning. This is a manifestation of potential psychosis on the parts of some of the people who do this, who wholeheartedly believe what they themselves say — or type out — when they think that a scripted show… is somehow personally speaking through their screens To Them. This is a thing that actually seriously concerns me now.

“Why won’t you attend fandom conventions?”

“Why won’t you meet up in person with people who are fandom members? Members of fandom?”

At this point I’m going to let the cases continue to make themselves and gesture to the worst Tweets.

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