I can’t say that it’s not par for the course, but…

I’ve been continuing to have… worsening symptoms of migraines, so that’s being managed.

Why that suddenly decided to get worse after being stable for the longest time, I’m still not quite sure.

I’m not going to get into much more detail than that about them unless they get so bad that I have to go to the emergency room or become hospitalized for them, and I’ve been told when to present where for them. However, it continues to be a joke for any of those who think that I can hold down a conventional job right now… or at any time in the future based on how things continue to look. This is one of the reasons why I am not streaming right now (well, one of the main reasons if you extrapolate it into the whole health thing…).

I posted about them on Facebook though in the event that emergency room or hospitalization thing happen.

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