September 2022 archive

A whole bunch of things crammed into one post.

First things first: I’m waiting for my migraines to begin to improve. So yeah, still waiting on that one. During the radiofrequency ablation (RFA) that was done on the right side of my head, the technician accidentally pierced the nerve with the shot meant to numb it rather than injected the lidocaine beside it… and that was a ten-out-of-ten banger until he could sufficiently numb up that entire side of my head, and I mean that in the worst possible way. I know that it was a mistake and that these things just happen some of the time, so I’m not mad at him for what was clearly a simple mistake. It just means that I have to wait a little while longer until the pain on that side of my head is ameliorated, assuming that it even ameliorates at all. We’ll see…

Secondly: The terms “abandonware” and “fair use act” do not mean what certain people think they mean, or what certain people have been deluding themselves into thinking that they mean. I’ve been in correspondence with the copyright holder of… one such entity (although you could also call them the owner of the intellectual property in question, and that wouldn’t be wrong either), and not only have these contacts clarified some information for me — namely that you can not claim that something is abandonware because it is the older version of a current program, and accepting money for any reason as part of this project means that you are profiting off of someone else’s work — but have solidified the fact that I am not going to participate in any projects that are not iron-clad in their legality. If this means that I do not participate in any more “projects” like this any more, so be it. I’d rather not take unnecessary risk here, especially as a streamer.

Tracking says I need to write another banger.

Although I don’t regret reconnecting with several of the people that I grew up with, I do regret letting some of these people invite me to countless Discord servers (I’ve left all but one of them, and it’s going to stay that way) because the only reason I’ve been online as much as I have — or as much as I’ve appeared to be, anyway — has been due to the pandemic and the fact that, being at higher risk of complications from COVID-19 and monkeypox should I catch either, I’ve continued to quarantine to the extent I have been able. When COVID-19 becomes endemic and I don’t have to worry about catching it from people, least of all the science deniers that populate this state at the percentages that they do, I’m going to be online a lot less… and I’m going to be harder to get a hold of, let alone stay in contact with. The computer will remain on for streaming purposes so that I can game, stream, and connect with those who any combination of those things, but when I’m not doing something relating to one of those three things, I’m going to be enjoying getting back to various real-life activities that I’ve had to put on the back burner or miss doing for how long?

This is how I’ve been for at least twelve years now, so although I’m going to make sure that the people I want to stay in contact with me are able to reach me, as the saying goes: I’m too old for this shit (this shit, of course, being the drama that I do not want to participate in at the ripe old age of thirty-six), and I do not want to participate in it. I do not want to be involved in it. I do not want to watch from the sidelines, not even with popcorn. No, you can’t bribe me with extra buttery popcorn. It is what it is in the regard that I do not have the patience for… this kind of thing any more, and my propensity to mouth off in response to it has only grown until it is an assured thing that I will mouth off in response to it, and society already does not like strong, independent, assertive women. If we are friends on social media, following each other on social media, or have friended each other on Discord and you are reading this, I’d love to keep in touch with you to the extent that real life allows me to, especially after these pandemics (look kids, we’re in two of them now) finally end! If we’re still in any of the same Discord servers, the same principle applies, unless you already know that I don’t want anything to do with you because I’ve already blocked you and we just happen to share one Discord server in common. (I didn’t want to leave an out for anyone reading who could have exploited the “we share one Discord server, I’m going to use that as an excuse to bother her” type of thing.)

Let it be known though that it took twelve years for any of these people to find me because I did not want to be found by the majority of them wanting to stay out of… well, all of the drama, and I’ve decided to take that approach again because age has made some of these people older but not any wiser. I’m getting better at doing what my therapist wants me to do, probably wanted me to have started doing much sooner than I actually started doing it: excising myself from situations that I did not want to be in and not feeling as though I had to give “enough of a reason” for me doing so. “I am too old for this shit” is now the reason.

Cities: Skylines is clearly committed to the DLC.

Bub owns all of the DLC for this game that is available for purchase and download (and loves the game so much that I will continue to get all meaningful DLC for him… so far that seems to be all of it because none of the DLC has been useless so far), but still. I have never in my life seen so much DLC available for one game until I checked to see what DLC Cities: Skylines had to offer on Epic Games. I may or may not have regrets.

I feel like I’ve been making real self-improvement.

One of the things that I decided to start doing at the start of the year was leaving situations that made me feel uncomfortable. This occurred when I decided to step away from the re-AOL project, although that happened for more than one reason — one of the members of the project, and a staff member at that, became an unhinged lunatic in my direct messages, and that made me feel extremely uncomfortable (as did the prospect of having to work with him on the project in any capacity) — and when I decided not to come back to a friend’s Discord server after a friend, as per his own attestation told to me by my friend the server owner, got drunk (“he’s drunk”) and began acting aggressive enough and rude enough (muting me when I asked a question, then banning me when I told him that I didn’t want to be treated like a child due to being autistic and that I didn’t want to be treated like his child) that I was again uncomfortable. So, again, I left.

To me, the easiest and wisest thing to do in both of these situations was — and is — to excise myself. I don’t take chatting seriously enough to meet very many of the people that I do chat with in person, so it might very well be that it’s easier for me to excise myself from situations like these than it might be for others. The last time that I met someone from the Internet in person was decades ago, and this was the person whose mother I had to turn in to her home state for felony-level food stamp fraud. I also had to turn him in for the theft of narcotics, as he was doing “favors” to get the brother of a friend to give him some (I had absolutely no idea that he was an addict, and I would never have known he were one had he not told me as he was that skilled at hiding it… until his supply was cut off, although this was well after I had come back home and let his friend, the sister of the person that he was stealing from, know that all of this had been taking place).

At any rate, I don’t have any regrets about excising myself from these situations. I’m making progress.

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