Since it probably will actually need to be said…

So it’s that time again… the one where people that I went to high school with begin planning reunions.

While I was being told of the results of the investigation that my high school had to do into the ex-boyfriend of mine who had made what were deemed to have been actionable gun threats, I took the time to tell the principal that I did not want to be contacted for any reason after graduation. Once she verified that I meant what I said, she let me know that my contact preferences would be indicated in my record with the school. And along with the rest of my graduating class (and every single other graduating class, I’m pretty sure), I was given forms to fill out that allowed me to indicate on my own that I did not want to be contacted by anyone from my high school after graduation. I did not expect them to adhere to this, though — I was fully ready to defend the fact that I did not want to be contacted, and I would have refused to attend any reunion that I was invited to, so I was actually surprised to find out that… they did what I had asked them to, did not contact me, and did not invite me to my first reunion. In a few years though, my graduating class will be gearing up for a twenty-year reunion unless they just completely drop the ball and don’t even bother scheduling one. Although I’m not going to care if that happens, I couldn’t care less either way as long as none of them actually make an effort to contact me. (If they do, I will probably block without responding.)

But it does look promising that no one from my graduating class has tried to contact me at all so far.

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