June 2022 archive

A re-AOL update! On Saturdays. Because I can.


Glad to see that the developers (or whoever is in charge of this, I think it’s a developer and someone who is taking time out to manage the Patreon, so props to that) have fixed the tiers on the re-AOL Patreon! I’ve watched them… do this through all stages of development and am now glad that it is fully functional, so if you want to donate to the head developer’s server costs and help re-AOL become the best that it can be, please consider doing so. A lot of back-end and stability updates have been done, to include making it so that the introductory guest message no longer “hangs” (as before, you had to wait until it “timed out” before you could click away from it, go to People Connection, and go about your business exploring the program). You can also turn Instant Messages off with $IM_OFF, and back on with $IM_ON if that suits your fancy, which has always been one of my favorite features of… well, America Online, and was something that I frequently used myself as an adolescent and young adult. If I needed to turn messages off to do homework for middle school, high school, or college, I did, or if I just needed some time to myself, I did that too. So it was great that this feature has been added into re-AOL, and as always, I continue to give the developers props for all of their hard work. Much love to these hard-working folks! They’re letting our re-live our younger years!

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