Vague cat is intentionally vague on purpose.

I was put in the position to where I had to make a report to someone’s local law enforcement because they publicly posted revenge porn of an ex of theirs that had her full name and where she lived. This was not something that I felt comfortable doing because of my… thoughts on the police, but the tracker on the person’s website says that their profile has been viewed more than two hundred times by now, and I’m sure having a folder on it clearly depicting revenge porn — especially when the person called their ex the denigrating name that they did — didn’t help matters. My level of comfort with the police in general was shadowed by the fact that this girl quite likely does not know that he posted revenge porn of her, and I hope the police are able to ameliorate this. I happened to be in the position of knowing who this person’s local police would be unless they’ve since left the area, and I hope that the information I gave them was sufficient for them to find him and something to be done about this while hoping they don’t sweep it under the rug.

I hope that this all works out, that this person is charged of revenge porn and actually convicted of it.

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