This person came after my children when he found out that they are disabled and receive various government benefits as a result of that. I decided that since he had the nerve to come after my children, I would censor my own name out but not his — make him own what he said. And with the help of a good friend, this was actually reported to this person’s job, because my friend was able to find his LinkedIn profile and we were able to confirm that it was his. So they Tweeted the full screenshot of him saying what he said to me to their Human Relations department, who promised that they would look into the post and take appropriate action. It was this post that drew him a few supporters convinced that “if you can type, you can work”. I would have let this one go if he didn’t decide to come after my disabled children, but you reap what you sew when you bring someone’s children into it for no reason. I have decided two months in advance that next year, I’m not going to let so many of these comments go, and if they are bad enough I am going to try to report them to their jobs’ Human Relations departments. I have friends who are more savvy about this who are willing to help me, too. If they read this post and would like to, they can out themselves in the comments.
Disclose disability in a Republican state, and…
categories: personal; word count: 246 words