This is a suspension that I can get behind.

I’m not sure where I have and have not mentioned this, but during… a debate with someone (although I may be mischaracterizing that in that, toward the end, I repeatedly asked them to stop contacting me, and they only did so when I blocked them after they fraudulently reported my [old] Twitter account to Twitter for self-harm and suicidal content, causing Twitter to have to verify that there was none), they threatened to contact my minor children without my permission and send them what they made clear enough was explicit Supernatural fanfiction. All of this — them continuing to Tweet me after I had by that point repeatedly asked them to stop, the actual Tweets itself that I just referenced — initially “did not violate Twitter’s Terms of Service” in spite of the fact that multiple people reported the Tweets where they told me that they wanted to contact my minor children without my permission and… yeah. I literally don’t feel like typing it all out again.

So I began Tweeting to Twitter support (Support?), rife with a screenshot of the events as they had occurred, even if in the screenshot their Twitter handle was not visible since I did not want people to potentially go vigilante on them. I asked them if they were condoning the fact that someone threatened to contact my minor children without my consent and send them explicit content. I asked more than once. I Tweeted it to Jack for the sake of doing so, and I Tweeted their Twitter Spaces account when Twitter Support included them in a Tweet. Only after all of that, it seemed, did Twitter take action on the account in question, suspending it. And I could tell that the action in question was manual, because I got automated e-mails from Twitter initially stating that no reported Tweet violated the Terms of Service, and then all of a sudden this person’s account is suspended. I can’t say that I feel bad that this person’s account got suspended. I don’t.

The moment you drag someone’s personal life into it, particularly family members of theirs, is when you lose.

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