Since I have not formally amended the list…

Neurological medications:
Lisinopril, 5mg once daily
Olanzapine, 10mg once daily if needed
Promethazine, 25mg once daily if needed
Rosuvastatin, 10mg once daily
Trokendi, 200mg once nightly
Zomig dissolvable melt, 5mg up to three times per week

Respiratory medications:
Albuterol, one vial nebulized up to every four hours as needed
Albuterol, two puffs inhaled up to every four hours as needed
Claritin, standard dose
Singulair, standard dose
Symbicort, two inhalations twice daily

Other medications:
Depo-Provera, taken every ninety days

I went ahead and removed prednisone from this, although I take it if absolutely needed. I’m not “on it” due to the pandemic, because if I am exposed to COVID-19 we want me to be able to fight this off to the best of my ability and it is a potent immunosuppressant (that does have purpose). I also alphabetized the list since Symbicort was above Singulair for some peculiar reason, and albuterol wasn’t alphabetized properly… heh.

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