April 10th 2020 archive

Some things I’ve learned about in Animal Crossing.

And in general, because today is the day that Final Fantasy VII: the Remake came out! Actually came out!

I did not know about the concept of “time traveling” until now (such as going back to the most recent Sunday to buy turnips in case you missed the turnip NPC, whose name I almost always seem to forget until I actually see her), or turnip exchanges, which you can actually do on this site. Some of the more popular ones whose islands allow you to sell turnips for high Bell prices take… a little while to actually get in on (you know, getting high enough up in the queue to get the Dodo code to get in on the island), but for the islands with really high Bell prices, it kind of is worth it. I’ve participated in a few turnip exchanges so far, both on that site and with friends who have lucked out with high turnip sell rates, and now I’m participating in a Discord for Animal Crossing players over 25 (even if I’m primarily playing this game with Bub, I count as a player!).

We’ve also pre-loaded all of Final Fantasy VII: the Remake onto our PlayStation 4. Finally. The first… part. There was absolutely no way that I was going to start that at midnight when it “rolled out”. I may like games, but nowhere near that much. Nowhere near as much as I actually like sleeping, my friends. Games can wait. And although I wish that they had just put the whole remake into one game so that we could be one and done with it at some point, I mean, I really don’t mind that much. The remake got made, my friends.