Posts Tagged ‘Supernatural’

Holy shit, folks… this thing is seriously that fast.

You know that laptop that I mentioned? The one whose letter i I would have to replace?

I’m pretty sure that I mentioned it here, because (your) god only knows how many struggles I had with it.

Well, as it turned out, the entire keyboard was going out… and it was soldered on the bottom of the computer, beneath everything important, which meant that opening it up to replace the keyboard would have been dicey, and then you would have had to put everything back together on top of the keyboard and hope that you did everything right. When taking into consideration the fact that this one make and model of computer had like… between three and six different keyboards, and no one knew if they were cross-compatible with each other, I decided that the best thing to do would be to get a refund on the laptop since I would have kept it if the keyboard had worked. It was a bit of a shame because of the hard drive size and the price that I paid for it, but by paying a little extra on top of the refund that I got from that computer, I was able to get what some people like to call “a gaming rig”. The hard drive size was smaller, but the processor is extremely fast, and it can take up to a whopping 64GB of DDR4 RAM. I’m not actually sure whether I will max it out in the coming months or years because it already runs fast, but I do have one 16GB stick of DDR4 RAM that was taken out of one of the computers over the years that I might put in the empty bay in this…

I’ve also decided that I’m not going to watch the formal series finale of Supernatural at all. I tried to fast-forward to the end of the episode where Dean and Sam are reunited with each other in Heaven, but for some reason Netflix would not let me do that, so it is what it is. That episode is trash though and I’m not going to bother with it. Dean still deserved so much better than what the producers and writers gave him.

I mean, this was kind of obvious here, but…

I’ve decided that whenever I finish Supernatural on Netflix, as soon as the final episode rolls about I am going to fast forward all the way to the end where Sam finally reunites in Heaven with Dean after having gotten to live the rest of his life out. But due to… everything about the final episode, I’ve been ignoring Supernatural (and even Netflix) like the plague. I’ve had time to finish the series out, which I am at some point, but the final episode was handled so badly that I am actively avoiding it now. Go figure. But technically I will have watched every episode of Supernatural, even though I intend on continuing to ignore the final episode. The people that (sometimes continue to) call it “the perfect ending” continue to confuse me.

Like I said, I’ll continue to be active in the fandom, but I don’t want to give it another watch.

After I’m done with Supernatural, I think I’m going to start on Lucifer or The Walking Dead… I need to check and see if that last one is (still?) on Netflix, although I think it is. One of the good things about starting Lucifer now is that it doesn’t seem to have quite as many episodes as The Walking Dead, although I’ll need to check on that and that won’t actually influence my decision that much. It’ll just make it easier to get through (heh).

However, I intend on watching CW shows as little as possible given their track record of doing what they do.

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