Posts Tagged ‘parenting’

I got the kids McDonalds for Monster’s birthday!

And I am not sure for the life of me why these pictures are differing heights, but it is what it is. Both of them enjoyed their meals. If Monster wasn’t already the fan of Subway that he is, McDonalds would probably be his favorite fast food place… and Bub already loves it, which is a welcome surprise given how picky he’s been over food in the past. He’s become increasingly less picky over the months, but part of that might be the fact that he is now on Mirtazapine to help him sleep at night since melatonin alone was not sufficiently helping.

Yesterday was baby burrito’s actual due date!

The OB that I had for that pregnancy kept “insisting” that it was December 2nd in spite of the fact that I have thirty-day cycles and Monster’s femur length proved that it was December 4th, but I don’t exactly trust the person who couldn’t bother to screen me for domestic violence for shit. He was actually surprised when he asked about the father of my child at my first postpartum appointment and I responded, “He’s in jail right now,” because he was literally sitting in jail as that appointment was taking place. Needless to say, I found myself another OB when I found out that I was pregnant with Bub, and I would have kept him as my OB/GYN were it not for the fact that if I do get pregnant again (and decide to keep it, because “threat to maternal life” still qualifies me for an abortion under Texas laws such that they are), the doctor that I see for my Depo-Provera shots is skilled in high-risk prenatal care and… yeah, I would definitely need that, heh.

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