Posts Tagged ‘Nintendo EPD’

All of the games to play, so little time to play them!

Since we have a Nintendo Online subscription (I’m pretty sure that’s what you call “having paid for additional services”, seeing as how they are the cheapest of the three… add-on services, between Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony, and definitely worth it for what you can get), Bub and I have been playing Kirby’s Adventure, Super Mario Bros. 3, and Splatoon 2 online with people whenever we’ve had some additional time as a direct result of that. Reacquainting with games that I used to play as a child has been really fun, as has being able to show them to my own child… not to mention getting good at some of these games again in front of said child, much to his amusement and my own delight. As time goes on, I’d also like to introduce him to Dr. Mario, some of the Donkey Kong games, Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, Wario’s Woods, and Yoshi. I may also introduce him to The Legend of Zelda since it’s also on here. There are also the old Super Nintendo games, and Kirby’s Dream Course, Kirby’s Dream Land 3, Kirby Super Star, Super Mario World, Yoshi’s Island, as well as one of the old Mario Kart games, and possibly another Zelda game that we can play together. These are a lot of additional games free with a subscription!

There’s also the fact that a Nintendo subscription is half the price of a Microsoft or Sony subscription now.

I don’t mind continuing to have a Nintendo subscription for this reason, because we have been utilizing ours.

So we’re back to playing Splatoon 2, folks.

So I’ve gotten back into playing Splatoon 2, and Bub continues to like it just as much as he did when Splatoon was the newest game in the series and the WiiU was Nintendo’s newest console. It took me a few matches to familiarize myself with what buttons did what in the game, especially because we never actually play it on the television — we always play it handheld — but then it began coming back to me, and I resumed decimating the opposing team with the roller, especially on the maps I’ve always been good at.

I’ve also managed to nail 2,000 points in a few matches, too, which is certainly no easy feat at all!

As far as Splatoon 2 goes, it’s a lot easier and more fun to play than any of the Halo games have ever been to me. For some reason, I do a lot better maneuvering around in video games when I can actually see all of my character, and Splatoon has never been extremely competitive. It seems to attract the kind of people who like shooter games but also just want to have fun, who tend to be my kind of people. I like these games, but I think this entire blog has made it clear that I don’t take gaming extremely seriously, and I try to surround myself with like-minded gamers who do not take gaming extremely seriously or even just particular genres.

It’s totally a team effort when we win. Completely. Bub contributes in his own meaningful way to wins.