Posts Tagged ‘music’

I am part of a lot of Discord servers now…

I now have a fourteen-year-old child! And I’m thirty-four years old myself. Holy shit.

And remember when I said that I was going to limit how many Discord servers I was a part of to make them easier to manage? Yeah, well… that didn’t exactly happen. I am a member of three Satanic servers, one that has to do with the Destiel ship on Supernatural, and one that helps organize how we are currently protesting the CW (and more to come, I’m sure) for lack of diverse representation in their media. By my own standards this is a lot of Discord servers, but I like them, so I’m going to try my hardest to juggle them and keep all of the balls in the air or in my hands. One server wants to get a(nother) Satanic podcast up and running, too…

If all goes according to plan I’d like to participate in that podcast myself, and happily, too.

And the first song that plays in this video is obscenely catchy. I have no other words for it.

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