Posts Tagged ‘health’

We would do this if it weren’t for the pandemic…

…and if it weren’t for me being so high-risk if I did contract it, but also, the pandemic.

We meaning me and Bub, enjoyably walking this over the time span of however long it actually took.

Why does this have to happen during a global pandemic that will probably still be here in October?!

It’s honestly like more and more people are forgetting that we are still in the throes of a global pandemic, and they are becoming more fast and loose not adhering to safety guidelines to keep themselves safe and prevent themselves from becoming infected with the virus. This is exactly why the United States can’t have nice things. We’re out here planning marathons while a global pandemic is going on. This really bothers me.

This is why other countries are starting to “get over” the pandemic and why it is still booming in our country.

This doesn’t surprise me. It bothers and saddens me.

In case anyone’s actually wondering, the schools in this area are set to open up around here in the middle of the month… unless something changes, they open back up and there is a surge of infections directly related to this and the school district gets pie on their faces as a direct result of this (which would not actually surprise me), or there is an actual Hail Mary and someone along the chain of command comes to actual reason. Parents and guardians have the choice of deciding whether to send their students to school for in-person instruction or allowing them to continue doing the distance learning that was mandated back in the middle of last school year when this pandemic started and schools were forced to close down, and any student who is doing distance learning can get a laptop as a loaner from their school at request. Again, this state is prioritizing “the economy” and “getting everything back to normal” over people’s lives, and it shows.

At this point, I can see the school district getting egg on their faces at some point. It’s just a matter of when.

Meanwhile, the superintendent continues to be smug about it, even though members of the board were surprisingly hesitant about it. It seems that the school district is actually in a position to lose funding if they do not open up, and this actually drove the decision to open doors when they are scheduled to be opened. This does not surprise me at all. It will all be about money, and access to federal dollars, at the end of the day. It always is with this district. It will always be about access to federal dollars, and foolish decisions made to secure access to federal dollars, at the end of the day with this district. This is exactly why I called our pompous, smug superintendent a bald-headed fuckface when he was live-streaming about this decision on one of our local news agencies’ Facebook pages, and why I do not regret my decision to call him that at all. I will gladly attach my name to the decision that I made to call him that. He is pompous and smug, and he thinks he knows more than the CDC. He deserves it. He is an educator, not the scientist he thinks he is…

This doesn’t surprise me, but it saddens me.

As a direct result of this pandemic, my pulmonologist does not want me to take prednisone unless I really need it and there is no other alternative. This is because prednisone is a fairly potent immunosuppressant and we are seeing an uptick in the number of COVID-19 cases in this state (once again) because of our governor’s incompetence, and if I am on prednisone — or have been on prednisone really recently — and am actually exposed to it, this may incapacitate my ability to fight it off. This would obviously be bad for me for a number of reasons, the least of them being that I am definitely not a mild asthmatic. And I mean, I can see where my lung doctor is coming from making that recommendation. But it just sucks that he has to make it…

We could have ridden this out longer under a longer stay-at-home order, opened the economy up over a longer period of time, but no. The governor pandered to people literally whining over “the economy” and “going back to work”, and as a direct consequence of this, we have to pay the price of closing everything back up again because the largest hospital in the state and the country could not handle the ICU caseload.

I can’t help but know for a fact that if we had any other president this would have been handled better.

Although prednisone is not the wrecking ball for me that it can be for other people, it has helped in the past when I have had more severe, enduring exacerbations, so it does suck that I can not fall back on this right now, so I am hoping that Symbicort works well in the interim. And speaking of that, when I get a chance I’m thinking of replaying Final Fantasy XIII with New Game+ or maybe even Final Fantasy XIII-2 while I conveniently slow walk Lightning Returns — yes, I’ll get around to finishing it, someday. Really, I will here.

Times this doctor took me seriously: 0

Bub would not leave some of the items that are a part of Baby’s First Altar (as I jokingly like to call it) alone, so now I have to put certain things out of reach when I know that I’m going to be running errands and he could sneak into my room long enough to… do things that he should not be doing. He is not amused about that, but I am also not amused at the fact that the garbage disposal and some of the pipes leading from it out of the house — not many, thank goodness, but some — had to be removed and cleaned because he stuck things down the garbage disposal thinking that it was funny. We had a long talk about how he needs to leave other people’s belongings alone, not to touch them unless he has been granted permission to do so (and “Baby’s First Altar” does not mean that he has carte blanche permission to muck about with things, especially if doing so means that he can damage them), and to please, please leave the garbage disposal alone, especially because this is not the first time that he has done this. He has a knack for shoving things down it right before he goes to bed, and then it gets used that following morning, and crunch. Why, child?

I am also no longer on the inhaled steroid that was causing me issues because my insurance would not cover the nebulized one that… wasn’t. Instead, we are trying a twice-daily actuated inhalation that also replaces the one that I was nebulizing. Because of the pandemic, we also want me to stay off of prednisone unless I absolutely can not avoid it. So because people, and politicians, could not and can not commit to staying at home to ride this out until it is much less of a concern, we had to make this decision for me. Sigh.

I see my neurologist later on this month, which I am not a fan of. Not only did she upend my prior neurologist’s plan of care for me, but she passively-aggressively charted it in my medical files. If it were easy to change to a new neurologist, I would do so. Depending on how future check-ups go, I may actually consider changing to the pain management clinic in this city and see if they can completely take on my care.

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