Posts Tagged ‘health’

I have more or less kicked the stomach bug from hell!

I know that it’s not proper nomenclature to call them the “stomach flu”, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t feel every bit as miserable as someone who actually had the flu. Then again, I was immunocompromised when I caught this. I caught it because I was so severely immunocompromised. ’round and ’round the wheel turns.

In Pokemon Go-related news, I’ve had to put that game down for the foreseeable future because a recent update to the game extended the amount of time that “the white flash” is present on the screen for the normally brief instances that it is. As a result, more people are being exposed to it who are at risk for adverse neurological events such as migraines or seizures… and I meet both of those criteria, or have both of those things happen to me, admittedly one more than the other. Until I’ve been given word that this is no longer the problem that it has become, I don’t think that I can safely play this game. And I’m definitely not going to want to get myself hyped up for new patches or releases if I am only able to play the game for very brief periods of time if it even manages to work out like that. I’ve liked this game since release, so this is a shame.

I suppose Bub and I can play more of the console games that we have in the interim to make up for this.

Fortunately, though, Bub hasn’t really been asking for this game… but we’re still in the throes of a pandemic.

Prednisone may not be in the cards any more.

I’ve given some more thought to it, wondering if I should perhaps curtail my use of prednisone even more so than I have in the past and be extremely cautious when doing things like taking medication in general (doing it on a full stomach, for instance, or with food), but then I literally remember not being able to stop vomiting for three and a half days afraid that I was actually going to have to go to the emergency room because it would not stop and holding down water was a Herculean task that did not always end well. Luckily, all of this stopped just before it got to that point… but I continue to remember the pain that I was in. I realize now that my body may not be able to tolerate prednisone at all, what with these side effects that are not mild. I had a localized Staph infection on my leg that has almost completely gone away now, although some of that may have been due to blind luck because almost anyone else would have put me on IV antibiotics for the… severity of the wound that it left. And then I had an actual stomach infection that was unlike anything that I have ever experienced. I was nauseous. I was also in pain. It incapacitated me. It also frightened me, too.

And I know that I don’t ever want to be in pain like that, or suffer like that, any more.

The common denominator in both of these things was that I was on the “high” dose of prednisone, getting ready to taper down to a slightly lower dose when these things happened. They happened despite my best efforts to make them not happen. Prednisone can also lower the amount of stomach lining that you have, and in a susceptible person (I took NSAIDs with this after having eaten some food, one dose of Ibuprofen followed by a dose of aspirin as soon as I could for a migraine that I happened to be having… I wanted to see what my body’s reaction would be to them, and it did not disappoint in the bad way), that can be bad. In my case, it was bad, alright. And like I’ve already mentioned, it’s not something that I want to go through again.

I am actually beginning to feel a bit better now!

After doing some research to figure out what was the likeliest culprit, I am actually feeling well enough to consistently consume light meals as long as I do so slowly and they are spaced far apart from each other. I’ve decided to start taking all of my medication with something to eat rather than by itself, because my stomach has made it clear to all involved parties that it can no longer handle being… jostled, or not handled with care. Had this gone on for a few more days I would have had to present to the emergency room not being able to keep anything down, but I am so glad that has gone off the table. As mentioned in the previous post concerning this, I can tolerate pain a lot better than I can tolerate nausea of any kind. Pepto-Bismol became my best friend, and I tried as hard as I could to avoid direct contact with Monster and Bub so as to minimize the risk of transmitting this to them assuming that it could be done. So far, all’s well that ends well!

In addition to avoiding prednisone unless I am actively dying of something, I also need to continue to avoid NSAIDs (aspirin, Ibuprofen), albeit for different reasons. If the lining of my stomach is made thin by anything, that invites infections to settle that I would otherwise not have to be concerned with. I’m not repeating that.

Well, that was fun… said no one ever.

I had an appointment with my wound care clinic last week where I was supposed to get my wounds examined, bandages changed, the whole nine yards… except that didn’t actually happen. Not like it was planned, anyway. I went to the building where my wound care clinic is and tried to let myself in for my appointment… to find out that I couldn’t actually let myself into the building because the doors were locked.

I tried to call the clinic itself and the one that’s a town over just to see if they would pick up, but no one would pick up. The sports rehab center one door down from the wound care clinic was nice enough to give me the number of the other clinic in this area, and she even gave me the hospital’s number so that I could call them. No one was that helpful, though. And no one knew why both wound care clinics in this area were closed. The hospital didn’t know why the wound care clinic(s, as we later found out) were closed. I called both of the hospitals that my wound care clinic is associated with, and they were equally confused. My primary care physician’s office was confused as well, given that I could walk a few doors down to get to them, that I did so, and that I explained the whole situation to them since they referred me. I didn’t find out until the next day that the medical director had died and that the clinic could not stay open seeing patients in the absence of a medical director. They will continue to send packages of bandages and wound-cleaning items to me in the interim, and they told me that they would call me once a new medical director had been hired and they could resume seeing patients. Will my wounds be healed by then, though? I suppose we’ll have to find that out…

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