Posts Tagged ‘game retailers’

In case you haven’t already heard about it…

Back when this global pandemic was… just kind of getting started, and countries and states were making a lot of difficult decisions about who would do what and what would stay open when, GameStop decided that in a desperate bid to attempt to keep their doors open, they would attempt to classify themselves as an “essential retailer”. When called to the carpet on this by gamers and non-gamers alike, they claimed that they would try to do this “as safely as possible”, even though they are nothing more than a video game retailer — nothing about their store, or what they sell, classifies them as an essential retailer in the slightest. So(, as I might have mentioned in a previous post), finding out that they were “clapped back at” in at least two states and forced to close their doors in those states was serendipituously ironic. Their initial attempt at classifying themselves as an “essential retailer” stemmed from the “claim” that many of their products and services “allow individuals to work from home”, even though many folks are able to purchase items from them online and have them shipped directly to their homes — mail delivery is an essential service, and they could have worked around that by, oh, I don’t know, working with the mail delivery service to continue to sell products in a manner that would have been safer for everyone, but they chose to go the route that incited nearly national hatred of them in the midst of a dangerous global pandemic. And yes, they were serious…

Now, in an almost actually hilariously ironic twist, they are doing the thing that they should have done all along, but with added hatred: switching to curbside pick-up and online sales only. Good luck staying afloat.

Although they made the decision that they should honestly have made all along, for trying to “stick it out” in a desperate bid to keep doors open, now they have even more people that honestly hate them and are striking them (in addition to the people who were already striking them for other reasons). Glad to see that worked out for them. It’s as though they really do not think things through before they do them. They don’t.

Oh, and the employee that misgendered “GameStop girl” several times was not fired for what he did. Wow…