Posts Tagged ‘disability’

The Benadryl thing does seem to help a bit!

My care team knows that taking Benadryl more often as needed for severe migraines does help.

At least to some extent. And I’ll very happily take that.

The question is now a matter of how often it needs to be taken… when I have severe migraines, or as more of a preventative every four to six hours? I guess we’ll be figuring that out over the course of the next several weeks to months, though I can’t say that I’m annoyed at the fact that it actually works because it, well, does.

I’m actually surprised that it works because this is me that we are talking about, but hey. I’ll take the W.

The constant migraine thing continues to happen.

I’ve added Benadryl back into my… I don’t quite know what to call it, staple of medications?

It’s been advised by my care team since migraines can be caused by an abundance of histamine, so at this point it can’t hurt if it offers me any relief. I’ll give it several days before I decide to reconsider taking it. Having relied on Benadryl for symptoms of asthma for so long (which, perhaps completely unsurprisingly, are completely ameliorated by heart medication), it doesn’t make me the slightest bit tired. I don’t have to worry about it causing tiredness that gets in the way of the things that I need to get done each day, which I suppose is one less thing I have to worry about juggling. I’m also going to be inquiring about nausea medication that actually works for me, because two of the most commonly prescribed medications for nausea do not work at all on me, and I mean, I suppose I should really not be surprised that they don’t…

I’d be writing a longer post in here, and in general…

…but this time, it’s migraines.

The Fioricet is having mixed results, but since I’m having more of a difficult time keeping it down I’ve taken to taking it earlier in the whole… sequential process of migraines (slightly black humor here, but what can you say?). If I have to, I’ll start taking it as a preventative every four hours as often as I’m able to take it, and if the nausea and vomiting or pain get to the point where I need to be seen by a medical professional, I’ll do that. I’m also in the process of having some of the medications that I take changed around to reflect the fact that the ones I’ve been on haven’t been working as well as they have in the past, or as well as they even should.

It’s getting to the point that I can’t even do what I want to do with monumental effort, but “I’m smart”, right?

I can adapt, right?

I can adapt to blistering pain, and almost cyclic nausea and vomiting? That’s not how any of this works.

I’d be resuming streaming sooner, but migraines.

I should be able to get to it sometime within the next few days, but to be honest had hoped I was able to get to it sooner except for that whole migraine thing. But I am in the process of changing some of my medications out so that I can stop ones that aren’t working quite so well (or at all) any more, which will allow me to take and get acclimated to new ones… and hopefully those new ones work a lot better! Here’s hoping!

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