Posts Tagged ‘art’

I actually really like how this came out.

So I found out that DeviantArt has an official forum, and I’ve been posting a bit on there!

I’ve also been drawing on our new tablet in my spare time, which managed to produce this nice sketch:

There were places in it that I could have improved on… but for someone that has gone without drawing or even sketching for as long as I have, I think that it was actually fairly impressive. I sketched the entire thing in light gray in Paint Shop Pro, then gradually darkened it in, lined it in, and colored it all in the same program.

I look forward to being able to draw more, and to be able to post more of my drawings on dA as time allows.

Let’s see if I can hotlink from my own DeviantArt.

So far, this is my favorite photograph that I’ve taken so far.

I titled it “I Shouldn’t Have To Choose” and juxtapositioned my own femininity and love of makeup against my love of gaming, which is something that I have gotten flack for from people who think that you can’t “be girly and game”. Included in the picture are some of my favorite cosmetics and the controller of one of my favorite consoles. As I’m sure some of you can tell, I’m loyal to one brand in particular… well, one of them.

This came out a lot better than I thought it was going to after I set everything up. I wound up liking it a lot.