Archive of ‘personal’ category

Why must you do the thing, WordPress…

Well, I tried to update this thing when WordPress told me that an update was available.

I wound up having to manually upload the update for it to take, although I was then able to re-install it after I had done that and it went through without a hitch. Something something “critical error”, it said to me…

For Christmas, among other things, Bub is getting a 400GB microSD card for our Nintendo Switch because he maxed out the 256GB one. I’m not sure whether I should be impressed or a bit frightened… maybe a little bit of both. That’s approximately one-fifth of the size of the hard drive in our PC laptop. And isn’t it ironic? He got the 256GB microSSD card last year. I’m beginning to wonder if it’s going to take him around a year to max out each card he’s given for the device. I’m probably going to give it to him before Christmas, like when it arrives, and re-download all of his games onto the thing so that he has access to all of them by Christmas.

I was also given some Madison Reed hair dye for Christmas in the color that I chose, and I’ll be writing about my experiences with that later. But for whatever it may be worth right now, the color that I chose on their website was rimini garnet (Rimini Garnet?). I wanted something deep but noticeably red, a bit Rowena MacLeod-ish. Her hair seems to be more coppery than this color though, but I like this color so here we are.

I am part of a lot of Discord servers now…

I now have a fourteen-year-old child! And I’m thirty-four years old myself. Holy shit.

And remember when I said that I was going to limit how many Discord servers I was a part of to make them easier to manage? Yeah, well… that didn’t exactly happen. I am a member of three Satanic servers, one that has to do with the Destiel ship on Supernatural, and one that helps organize how we are currently protesting the CW (and more to come, I’m sure) for lack of diverse representation in their media. By my own standards this is a lot of Discord servers, but I like them, so I’m going to try my hardest to juggle them and keep all of the balls in the air or in my hands. One server wants to get a(nother) Satanic podcast up and running, too…

If all goes according to plan I’d like to participate in that podcast myself, and happily, too.

And the first song that plays in this video is obscenely catchy. I have no other words for it.

Another one bites the dust, round… what?

The fan in this computer has resumed being… louder than it should be, even though I’ve made sure that the computer is clean (at least on the outside where I can see it), used compressed air on the side of the can near where the fan would be and at the bottom of the computer where I know the compressed air can reach it to some extent. Although I thought that the compressed air helped it out for awhile, it didn’t help it out as much as it should have, so I’m back to square one with this. At some point I’d like to have the laptop looked into and see if the fan being cleaned with the bottom of the computer… temporarily not on the bottom of the computer can help things, and if that doesn’t significantly help matters out, begin looking into a replacement PC laptop. It sure would help things out a lot if we had already been given the second stimulus check that lawmakers and politicians had been promising that they “would find compromise on”, but that hasn’t happened, and I honestly don’t think that there is even going to be a second stimulus check at this point.

Prove me wrong.

Just like I was pleasantly proven wrong with the results of the Presidential election.

Meanwhile, I need to add things to our Amazon wish list for Monster’s fourteenth (!!) birthday and Christmas. I had added some things to them in the past, but I have a very bad habit of buying those things that I put on our wish list, so… there you have it. Right now, I think there are only a few things left on the whole entire list…

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