Archive of ‘personal’ category

I mean, I still personally find this funny…

I still find it absolutely hilarious that the Supernatural fandom “got into it” with the individual who worked on special effects during the fifteenth and final season of the show. Although I won’t be quoting it here, he said something extremely homophobic and in poor taste about “Destiel” (the “ship” of Castiel and Dean Winchester, which is so popular and well-known that people who don’t even watch the show, who have barely heard of the show, know exactly what it is and why it is). It eventually got to the point where people stopped commenting to him because we could all tell that he began to do what he was doing for attention at some point, and after awhile I no longer wanted to waste my time trying to explain to someone that the original comment they had made was that homophobic and that much in poor taste. If I recall, it happened at around the time that Dean Winchester’s name began Trending on Twitter due to a leak of the script…

Speaking of Twitter, I have continued to hear absolutely nothing about the suspension of my first account on there. I’m guessing that I won’t hear anything at all regarding the suspension of that account, as I’ve heard from more and more people that sometimes Twitter suspends accounts (even if you are disagreeing with the nomination of who is now our Supreme Court Justice), and when you appeal it as is your right to, they simply ignore the appeal and all attempts at communication with them regarding the appeal. Like I’ve mentioned in previous entries, people have found out how to make subsequent accounts on their site when they blatantly do this, and it’s not actually that difficult to do. Maybe if Twitter would actually do what they are supposed to be doing in circumstances like these and reinstating the account in question or telling the account owner why they were not reinstating the account in question so many people would not be resorting or have resorted to ways to make another account on their website. I can completely look the other way on this one.

I don’t like these, but maybe I should try them.

Like I said, normally I don’t do these… but this year I actually wanted to try.

New Year’s Resolutions for 2021
· exercise more
This will involve having to get my treadmill… fixed, for lack of a better way to put it, because walking on the belt causes it to move from left to right while you are walking on it. So if you’re not careful, you can actually fall off of the treadmill while you’re using it, which defeats the entire purpose of using it if you ask me. The question is, though… can this be fixed? Am I just going to have to live with this? Should I get another one?

And there’s the whole thing of resuming going on walks with Bub whenever the pandemic is done…

· read more books
· play more video games

· try and grow my (our) YouTube account, like getting more subscribers and views
Admittedly, so far I’ve been winging this by luck, so I’m excited to see where it may go actually trying.

· grow my readership for this blog in the same way that I would like to grow my (our) YouTube channel
· listen to more music
· get better when it comes to makeup, particularly blending different colors out or together
· grow my hair out longer with this new color in, touching it up and when and where needed
· wear some jewelry that I can actually wear adjusted for known allergies and sensitivities to things
· find new shows to watch on Netflix, and commit to watching them when migraine activity is low

I guess the name of the game is patience.

I am now on day three of “no shampoo (and conditioner)”, only cleaning my hair with water and brushing it.

If I can get through this with my hair intact, I’m only going to wash it before I dye it so that the hair strands are as open and stripped as they can be. Normally I don’t have to wash my hair that often, maybe once or twice a week, but I’m tired of dying my hair and then having the shampoo strip it, no matter what kind it is or how “friendly” it’s said to be to hair that has been colored. I just want my hair to stay as bright as possible, and if that means saving money not buying myself shampoo or conditioner from here on out… that’s great.

Bub’s microSD came in the mail, and so far so good downloading all of his games “from the cloud” onto it. Well, aside from how long this looks like it’s going to take, but I knew that going into this. This is a 400GB microSD, so here’s hoping that it holds all of his games and the ones that he will pick up afterward for… well, at least a year. It seems like we’re getting a new microSD card every year now, but I don’t mind as long as there’s something that I can keep all of his games on. Some of these games are large, so downloading them from the cloud time and time again (which is where they are kept after purchase if they’re not on the actual card itself) can be and is cumbersome… just a bit. And this one is an actual Nintendo microSD card as well!

Here’s hoping that it doesn’t take more than two days to download all of these games, big as some are…

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