Archive of ‘computer gaming’ category

In hindsight, I should have expected this to happen.

I’m not sure what happened to Bub’s new computer last night, but I wound up having to reload half of it.

I am just now finishing up loading his games back onto it with it continuing to be hooked into the modem.

In the interim, I’ve been having more episodes of strabismus that normally coincide with me being at risk for having an epileptic seizure… except for the fact that they’re not happening (when I’m conscious, at any rate), but I am having a harder time focusing my eyes on things and feel more pressure in my head that is very distinctly not migraine pain. To be honest, I’m not sure I want to make a trade-off like this given what it sounds like it could be, because even the best of scenarios for symptoms like these are worse than anything else I currently have to deal with. The eye deviations happen when my glasses are on and when they are off, and I’ve begun to notice some asychronity in my pupillary sizes as well as rapid dilation and widening when I am in a stable light source. Some days, and times, are worse than others. But still. Can I not deal with this?

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