I’m going to be recieving a copy of this in the mail when it prints, and I look forward to reading the first official book about Wisp the cat on my livestream! As a matter of fact, I really look forward to this, because I’ve been a fan of hers since she went viral for the first time… and now I’m a big fan of cats and rescues, too!
Archive of ‘books’ category
I came, I saw, and none of it surprised me at all.
So, yesterday I joined the official Hogwarts Legacy server on Discord.
I have no intention of buying or playing the game because of JK Rowling’s anti-Semitic, transphobic remarks (nor do I have any intention of funding the franchise in any way, shape, or form), but I wanted to see the excuses that people were coming up with to justify playing this game. And let me tell you… I saw a lot of them. I also saw a lot of good people coming onto the server to try to spread awareness about why we should not collectively be lining the pockets of someone who has said these things who will go on to donate proceeds to anti-trans charities like she’s admitted to in the past, even though the majority of those people got banned from the server because people want to continue to keep up whatever flimsy pretenses they have to in order to justify continued consumption of this game. One of the things that I saw that bothered me, and stuck with me, was how guilty a lot of people felt about continuing to consume JK Rowling’s work in light of these comments being public knowledge, how they were desperate for other people not to find out about this, and how it was in many cases literally making them sick. If someone is such a bad person that consuming their media makes you have this kind of reaction, you need to consider… well, not consuming it.
At this point, it’s worthwhile making friends out of the people willing to risk being banned from the server for speaking up, as is it worthwhile to continue to inform people as to why they should not play this game or partake in any more media consumption from JK Rowling. That’s about it, though. The rest is not worth it.
Some of the books that I’ve been reading.
Books that I’m reading right now:
· The Adventurous Eaters Club: Mastering the Art of Family Mealtime by Misha and Vicki Collins
· The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee
I am also occasionally flipping through Anton LaVey’s Letters to the Devil, although the really small font is off-setting. I want to get through it at some point. It would be easier to read if the font size… isn’t what it is, even if making the font larger added pages to the book. So that one sits on the back burner for now, heh.
Ironically, I had started to read the book by Siddhartha Mujherjee before my mother had even been diagnosed with cancer, but this was around the time that Pokemon Go came out, and I spent more time playing that than I did reading any books. But now that we are being faced with a global pandemic, I’ve begun to pick up reading again with the intent to finish all of the books that I start. Reasonable, isn’t it?
That new Kindle that I got for Christmas will make things even easier to do, too.
I just need to figure out how it works since it differs from the old 3G Keyboard that I had.